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Elder Chad Singleton White

2345 Bluff Road
Syracuse, Utah 84075

(801) 773-2413

Current Address
13207 Meergate Circle
Orlando, FL 32837

(407) 850-9613

Send Email
Expedicto J Saraiva (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Areas Served:
Varginha, Sete Lagoas, Alvorada, Divinoplis, Contagem.
Aquilino Gomes | Heath Alan Hill | Daniel Mark Jarvis | Michael Heath Oxenden | David Russell Wright
Your Occupation: Full-time student pursuing Ph.D.
Spouse: Tara
04/02: I'm getting married May 10, 2002 (she's a convert I met in Florida). Believe it or not, I am just NOW starting to enjoy full health after getting sick on the mission. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in molecular genetics (and not even close to finishing... que coisa chata!). I hope to get into medical research. If anybody knows Pres. Saraiva's contact info, drop me a line.
Created: 26 Apr 2002  Modified: 24 Sep 2002
Last Login: 27 Apr 2002 05:17:22 PM

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