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Elder Nate Thomas

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Expedicto J Saraiva (1994 - 1997)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Areas Served:
Curvelo, BH, Divinopolis
Joshua J Dart | Joseph M Evans | Atônio da Silva Filho | Bret Adam Johnson | Dan Mcomber
Your Occupation: Auditor
Spouse: Jennifer
(Oct-07) I've been married for seven years now. We now have three kids and are living (unfortunately) in utah, but we'll leave the state before they become utarded by the public high school system. I've been working for a local CPA firm for the last couple years.
Created: 20 Sep 2002  Modified: 15 Oct 2007
Last Login: 15 Oct 2007 09:11:10 AM

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