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| Elder Dustin Nielsen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Dean Burgess (1997 - 2000) | Celso Rolim Freitas (2000 - 2003) | Served: 1999 - 2001 | Areas Served: Valadares, Ipatinga, Uniao, Savassi, Sao Benedito | Companions: Paulo Gomes Dos Santos | Eric Read Francis | Joel Hilton Ross | Robert John Walker | Richard P. Winder | Your Occupation: Real Estate Investing | Spouse: Alisha | Comments: I also ran with; Elder Barber, Elder Feitosa, Elder S. Dias, Elder Leite, Elder Laercio, Elder Garcia, Elder Da Silva. Just want to say hello to everybody, I think about all of you often, and hope you are doing well. I live in Sandy near President Burgess. I am young mens president in my ward, and me and the wife are expecting our first child in august. Hope everyone is well and I hope to hear from you.
Como Vai todo mundo? saudades de voces. Queria dar algumas noticias. Moro em Sandy Utah pertinho de Presidente Burgess. Sou presidente dos rapazes da minha ala, e estou esperando meu primeiro filho em augosto. Um grande abraco ao todo mundo. Me escreve. |
Created: 15 Feb 2008 Modified: 15 Feb 2008 |
Last Login: 15 Feb 2008 06:12:17 PM |
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