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Arlen Dean Woffinden

President Arlen Dean Woffinden

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Spouse: Debi
Served: 1997 - 2000
Associated Alumni
Your Occupation: Attorney
Ainda estamos na California. President W serve ainda como presidente de estaca, e Sister W foi desobrigado recentemente depois de sete anos como professora de seminario. Temos 10 netos lindos. Danny e casado, e tem uma filha. Ele mora em Overland Park, Kansas. Avery tambem e casada, tem um filho, e mora em Phoenix, Arizona. Pensamos muito na missao, e nos missionarios poderosos que serviram na MBBHO, e gostariamos de ouvir de voces!

President and Sister Woffinden have been called back to Brasil. They will be leaving August 1st for a period of 3 years. President Woffinden will be serving as Church legal counsel for Brasil and they will be residing in Sao Paulo. Email will remain the same ( They will be in SLC for October General Conference and will plan to have a reunion this coming October. Details to follow.

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