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| Élder Daniel Warr Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Presidentes: Demar Staniscia (1985 - 1988) | Paulo Renato Grahl (1988 - 1991) | Serviu: 1988 - 1989 | Áreas Onde Serviu: Anapolis, GO: Cidade Nova, Manaus; Taguatinga, DF; Goiania, GO; Gama 2, DF | Companheiros(as): Gleydson Ferreira Cintra | Sebron L Farmer | Cesar Lenine Góes | Brad Lund | Jonathan Paulson | Darren Wayne Pulsipher | Ocupação: Medical MFG Superintendent | Cônjuge: Gina Warr | Comentários: I have been married for 12 years and two wonderful children: Austin(10) and Hallee(8). We enjoy spending time camping and riding our four wheelers at our property near Duchesne, Utah. I am grateful for the opportunity given me to serve in the Brasil, Brasilia Mission and for the gospel which I have the priviledge of sharing with my family and freinds. In addition, I am grateful for all of the wonderful freinds I made in Brasil.
The companions I had the pleasure of serving with are Elders Whipple, Wagner, Paulson, Brazzeal, Lund, Carmo, Farmer, Froio, Cesar, Cintra, and Wescott. |
Criado: 11 Jan 2007 Modificado: 07 Apr 2008 |
Último Login: 01 Oct 2010 03:17:14 PM |
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