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| Élder Scott Lindsey Ocultar seus dados - Entrar
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Presidentes: Demar Staniscia (1985 - 1988) | Serviu: 1984 - 1986 | Áreas Onde Serviu: Brasilia (Planaltina, Novo Gama, Asa Sul), Belo Barreiro, Belem | Companheiros(as): Marcelo Andrezzo | Anderson Gerhardt Buzelli | Theodore (Ted) E. Christensen | Paulo Henrique Corrêa Da Silva | Castilho Sontag | Derli Sontag | Fernando Silva Souza | Sheldon Walker | Ocupação: Hydrologist | Cônjuge: Joyce | Comentários: Update as of January 2010. My oldest just got her mission call to Brasil Recife and my second oldest got his the same day to Brasil Sao Paulo East. I'm very excited for them (and for me). They both enter the MTC in Sao Paulo on April 14, 2010. Still in Alaska. Life is great!
I've been married for almost 20 years, have 4 kids, a Labrador Retriever. and a puppy (mutt). We live in Alaska (almost 13 years now) and love it. With 3 boys (my oldest is a girl) we will have lots of years in Boy Scouts, but right now, my wife is teaching early morning seminary and I am on the Stake High Council. Hope all are well out there. Thanks Maria for taking care of the website.
Tchau. |
Criado: 06 Nov 2001 Modificado: 03 Jan 2010 |
Último Login: 21 Feb 2011 02:04:32 AM |
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