Sister Kristy Lynn Sorensen Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Richard Jackson (1998 - 2001) | James Lewis McCarrey III (2001 - 2004) |
Served: 2000 - 2002 |
Areas Served: Valinhos, Braganca Paulista, Sao Manuel, Limeira |
Companions: Arielle E France | Heather Mae Hunsaker | Laura Elzina Lawrence | Jocelyn Ruth Sparks |
Your Occupation: PT Tech |
Comments: Two years ago today I flew into the beautiful country of Brasil and started my mission. How fast time flies and how long lasting are the memories and lessons learned! Having graduated from BYU before the mission, I thought I would try the grown-up thing and seek full-time employment on my return. I am working as a physical therapy technician treating patients with low back pain. At work, I meet tons of people and have been blessed with many opportunities to share my Brasilian missionary experiences and testimony of the restored gospel! I love it! |
Created: 06 Dec 2002 Modified: 13 Feb 2003 |
Last Login: 13 Feb 2003 06:18:17 PM |