Webmaster: Paul Pehrson
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Elder Wick Gubler

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Andrew J. Day (1987 - 1990) | Ralph D. Chipman (1990 - 1993)
Served: 1989 - 1989
Areas Served:
Villa Sonia
San Jose dos Campos
Novo Cacherieria
Donald Fletcher | Edison Luiz Schuck da Rocha | Alex Marcelo Amaral Silva | Grayson J Wilcox | John Wyson
Your Occupation: General Contractor
Spouse: Ann
We have 3 kids--Michelle 9, Steven 7, & Jessica 3. I am currently the Young Mens President which is a calling I enjoy very much. I am trying to take my wife back to Brasil to visit outside my previous areas, but with a young family it is difficult. We will make it though. I have been in contact with the Yamaguchi family in Villa Sonia trying to get things set up. I would be great if we can do it. I love Brasil & its people--- they will always have a place in my heart.
Created: 15 May 2004  Modified: 15 May 2004
Last Login: 26 Jun 2004 06:28:15 AM