Webmaster: Paul Pehrson
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Elder Ryan W Huber

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Richard S. Bangerter (2002 - 2005) | Michael J. Bertasso (2005 - 2008)
Served: 2004 - 2006
Language(s) spoken:Portuguese
Areas Served:
Portal do Eden, cantareira, Novo Osasco, Boituva, Jd. do Russo
David Walker Kearl | Richard L Mittan
Your Occupation: Car Salesman
Spouse: Kylynne Rigby
Well, I returned home in june of 2006, and i started working at Radio Shack. I started school in the fall at USU, and I am studying Physical Therapy. I got a new job last week detailing cars at a dealership, and come summertime i will start selling. I met Kylynne Rigby in September, and got engaged in December. We will marry in the Salt Lake Temple on May 11, 2007. Thats all that is happening so far!
Created: 29 Mar 2007  Modified: 29 Mar 2007
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM