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Brian Clark Anderson Alumni Photo

Elder Brian Clark Anderson

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Fenton Broadhead (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1997 - 1999
Areas Served:
Rochdale, Vila Munhoz, Chora Menino, Ala 5/Jardim Gedala (Escritório), Brasilândia, Votorantim
Mike D. Burgoyne | Marcos Antônio Moraes Dos Santos | Chase Kingsley | Aaron Lords | Todd Jason Oyama | Brett Singleton | Jeremy S. Visser
Your Occupation: PreConstruction Manager - Layton Construction
Spouse: Misty
We live in Sandy, UT. We have one little boy named Tyler (born January 2004), a girl named Grace (born July 2005), a girl named Elsie (born November 2008), and a girl named Sofie (born June 2011). Not much has changed. I still live in Sandy at the same address. I am serving as the first counselor in the Bishopric of our ward. My wife is teaching Gospel Doctrine (much to her dismay at first but now she likes it). We feel greatly blessed and are thankful for the influence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives.
Created: 13 Nov 2001  Modified: 09 May 2012
Last Login: 09 May 2012 10:54:09 AM