Comments: Okay folks!!! LIfe IS BEAUTIFUL!! working 6 days a week for an airline named Jetblue Airways, work as an Interpreter for the Church for the events such us conferences, firesites, stake conferences etc.. work as an interpreter for the University of Utah hospital and other jobs on the side. as you can see I'm BUSY!!! my boy is 3 and my daughter is 6 loving school, I keep in touch with Elder Cubas, Elder Day who is station in Japan doing military work, Sister Crance, Elder RAmirez, Elder VAladez Elder Seraydarian miy 1st companion and trainer, elder Bailey who is residing in Colorado somewhere, Elder Reams my last companion I see him every now and then at church, Sister Hicks and of course Presisdent Mcdonald. Take CAre you all and have a Merry christmas!!! |