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President Gary J ColemanAddress not available
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Spouse: Judith | Served: 1987 - 1990 | Associated Alumni | Comments: The Coleman's return home on June 30 after 19+ years of service in the
Quorum of the 70.
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Gary and Judy Coleman
- Family: Born in Wenatchee, Wash., on Sept. 18, 1941, to Benton Joseph and Evalin Barrett Coleman, the oldest of five children. Married Judith Renee England June 22, 1963, sealed in Alberta Temple. Parents of six children: Kara Liston, 27; Kyle Coleman, 26; Kory Coleman, 25; Kolette Hall, 21; Kamron Coleman, 19, serving in Samoa Apia Mission; Kent Coleman, 14. They have three grandchildren.
- Education: Bachelor's degree in physical education from Washington State University, master of education from BYU in counseling and guidance, doctor of education from BYU in educational psychology.
- Employment: associate director and instructor at Weber State University Institute of Religion in Ogden, Utah; division coordinator of New Mexico division; area and institute director of Pacific Northwest Division; Indian area supervisor of Central Washington; institute director and superviser of home study program in Yakima, Wash.
- Church service: serving as first counselor in Utah Ogden Mission presidency at time of his call; former president of California Arcadia Mission, 1987-90; mission president's counselor, stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop. |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."