Stories: Power of the Priesthood
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I recall a time when I was called upon to administer a blessing to a non member.........
My companion & I were in our flat when we received a phone call from a sister of the ward we were serving in. A non member friend of hers was in hospital, her body was riddled with cancer.
She had explained to her friend about Priesthood & its blessings that could be administered. Her friend had a desire to receive such a blessing, putting her faith in the Lord to be relieved of the pain & suffering that she was experiencing.
We took the asignment and met the sister at the hospital, she took us to her friend who was in an isolation room within the hospital. Due to the potential of infection, we were requested to scrub up & wear masks before entering the room.
Within the room was just one bed which was occupied by a lady: the friend of the sister who contatced us, she was weak but greeted us with a smile.
My companion anointed her head with consecrated oil & I administered the blessing. The Spirit was strong & with us during our time in the room. I cannot recall the words of the blessing, but I can still recalll the feelings that I had within the room, those being the presence of the Spirit. Having concluded with the blessing, we bid her good night & left in order for her to get some rest. She thanked us for coming.
A few days passed when we received a call from the same sister who contacted us regarding the blessing. She informed us that her friend had recovered & the cancer was reversed. She went onto say that the medical team were amazed & unable to give a reason as to her recovery.
That experience further strengthened my testimony of the priesthood. From that day on I will always recall the time that I was called upon to administer a blessing to a patient suffering with cancer, it is an experince that I will never forget. |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."