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Elder Preston C Regehr Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: G. Ellsworth Brunson (1978 - 1981) | Harold P. Christensen (1981 - 1984) | Served: 1979 - 1981 | Areas Served: Coalinga, Modesto, Lodi, Fresno (twice), Brentwood, Bakersfield | Companions: Donald Ius | Henry Lucke | Mark H. Mcfarland | david r Windley | Your Occupation: intellectual property attorney | Spouse: Jacalyn | Comments: Other companions I had include Walter Payton, Elder Rod(?) West, Tony Angelo Frederick Jacobs, III, Brian Neeld, James Dean Brisk, Robin Quillon, and Elder Voice.
Jacky and I have 8 children: Dallin, Paula, Kerri, Bryant, Lindsay, Brandon, Derek, Douglas; and ten grandchildren (as of this writing, February 2018). Dallin served his mission in Mesa Arizona, then taught Spanish at the MTC for four years while attending BYU; he started a tech company with friends, and hopes to find is wife before his fortune. Bryant served in Tijuana (married a California girl convert who gave us two grandchildren), graduated from BYU and also taught Spanish at the MTC, and recently moved from San Diego to Utah. Brandon served in San Paulo Brazil East Mission and now teaches Portuguese at the MTC while attending BYU. Derek served in the Madrid Spain Mission and also attend BYU. Our youngest child, Doug, served in Frankfurt Germany mission and returned July of 2017. Paula and Kerri, our oldest daughters, married returned missionaries and each have four children; Bryant and his wife Stephanie have 2 children. Lindsay graduated from BYU worked awhile and has returned to BYU for a masters degree (and hopefully a husband).
Jacky and I feel like we've been greatly bless.
You may recall that I'm from Alberta, Canada, but we've lived in Sandy, Utah since 1990, after 7 years of grad school and work in Ontario, Canada. |
Created: 21 Apr 2002 Modified: 30 Jul 2018 |
Last Login: 30 Jul 2018 11:32:24 AM |
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