Elder John Swenson Harvey Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Harold P. Christensen (1981 - 1984) |
Served: 1981 - 1983 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: Portersville, Fresno, and Stockton |
Companions: Michael Andrew John Drummond | David John Theurer | Terry Patrick Tieland |
Your Occupation: Economist |
Spouse: Ruth Payne Harvey |
Comments: I have a wonderful family, I remain active in the Church, I'm currently a "CTR" member - current temple recommend. I own (and happily wear) a CTL ring - Choose The Left. :-) Would love to hear from any old friends from the Mission!
My son (Richard) served in the San Bernardino California mission (July 2010 to July 2012). Just a bit South of our mission.
My daughter is in the process of submitting her papers (summer 2015). |
Created: 29 Apr 2002 Modified: 23 Jun 2015 |
Last Login: 23 Jun 2015 03:36:32 PM |