News Item: California Fresno Site Upgrade
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Having noticed that the California Fresno Mission site has been unattended for several months, the staff at LDS Mission Network have stepped in to fix lingering problems and upgrade the site.
Among the improvements you will notice are:
- a built-in chatroom
- a new section for Stories (please post your mission stories there!)
- a section for local Weather
I'm going through now and fixing/removing bouncing e-mail addresses, cleaning the guestbook (RMs please use the Messages section!), and making other necessary fixes.
I'm one of the co-founders of LDS Mission Network and have been involved with over 30 mission websites, including my own, France Paris. I'll be helping out for a few weeks and then we can transition after the holidays to a new permanent webmaster.
Thanks for your patience and help. In the meanwhile, please take the time to update your information.
R. Craig Harman
LDS Mission Network
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