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Dean A. DossAddress not available
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Comments: Hi my name is Dean Doss and I was Baptized in April of 1999.Dan Dyer and James Cartwright were my main Missionaries with a lot of help also from Rhett Robinson,Spencer Dietz and a few others I can't remember.I went to the Temple in 2000,got married in 2001 and became a Dad twice in 2002.My wife gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl in February and I adopted my wifes son (He's called me Dad since we were married) ,subsequently he was sealed to us also in 2002.Until recently I(we) lived in Riverside, to be specific the Arlanza Ward,Jurupa Riverside Stake.We moved into our new house at the end of Macrh of 2003 and I will be interested to see what life changing event happens in 2004.Of course,the fact that I was baptized coupled with tha Angels winning the World series means that anything is possible.Our new home is in the San Bernardino Mission but I will always be thankful and appreciative of all the hard work of the Members of the Riverside Mission.Thank you all and God Bless.
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