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The California Riverside Mission Reunion Page



Dear California Riverside Missionaries:
Sister Brown and I would like to invite you and your family for an evening of fun and good food at our new home in Ogden

Date: Saturday, 17 August 2002
Time: 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM
Location: 4744 Banbury Lane, Ogden 84403

Directions: We live near Weber State. The main road in front of Weber State is Harrison Avenue. From 46th and Harrison go East 0.5 mile on 46th. Turn right on Skyline Blvd. (South). Turn right on Mountain Meadow Creek Lane for 100 feet. Then right on Banbury lane. Last house on right. You may have to park on Skyline.

Please RSVP if you are joining us at rhbrown@wans.net so we can do a little planning. Also, the email list is not complete, so please get the word out to all you know.
Dress is casual. Bring your own chairs and lawn blankets. Hope to see you soon.
President and Sister Brown


President & Sister Brown will host a reunion on Friday, March 30, 2001.
The reunion will be at 6pm at the corner of P Street and 4th Avenue in
Salt Lake City. Sunday dress. For questions contact the Browns or Andy Hill,
who organized the last reunion, at andyhill@prodigy.net.

Alexander & Hess
No reunion until 2002, as both couples are currently serving missions until Feb. 2002.
Look for a major reunion for all who have served in the CA Riverside Mission in the
months following the Hess and Alexander homecomings.


Alexander Reunion Summary
The 1999 California Riverside Mission has now come and gone. I think most were pleased
with the outcome. We thought most were probablycoming to socialize, so we gave everyone
a lot of time to converse. We did have a short program. Elder Andy Hill (just returned from
CRM 4 weeks ago) gave us a quick rundown of how the mission is going. Sister Ali Rucker
than sang a beautiful song and was accompanied by Elder Dennis. We then heard briefly
from Sister Alexander. She spoke of how wonderful it was to be with all the missionaries
again. She said that if she had the opportunity to sit down in a room and interview each of
us again, she would talk about what we are doing in the Church. She also talked shortly about
their new mission call to Liberty Jail. She mentioned that President had been kicked out of the
temple three times for other callings. In Washington, they have a three strikes and you're out rule.
He has been kicked out three times and this time he is going to jail. President Alexander was
the concluding speaker to the group. He spoke about the parable of the Ten Virgins. He brought
to our attention that the parable is referring to members of the Church. Five of the ten were wise
and five were not. He went through specific things we should be doing to fill our lamps.
These items included prayer, service, and (you guessed it) five pages daily in the Book of Mormon.
Furthermore, if we are not reading daily in the Book of Mormon he had one word for us...Repent!!!
Another memorable moment was when he spoke about us as returned missionaries. He said that
he thought about each of us as his children. Furthermore, if he ever heard about any of us going
astray or falling away from the Church, it would break his heart. We then closed the program and
everyone visited till nearly 10 p.m. We estimate the turnout was somewhere near 100 this year.
President and Sister Alexander will be on a mission for the next 2 years and future reunions are up
in the air. (The next one will likely be in 2002)

Written by Dustin Harris


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