California Sacramento Mission
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Mission Stuff

  • Sacramento Song
  • Standard of Truth
  • Missionary Commission
  • Descendant Missions
  • Mission Song (At least when I served: 89-91)

    Give it your all while you're here;
    Give your call the great commitment it deserves;
    With celestial sights you can climb to the highest of heights;
    check the one on top he's (she's) the one who always serves;
    Give it your all, then be of good cheer,
    and California Sacramento will be blessed,
    so if you really vigor and vim it,
    the skies the only limit,
    Give it your all,
    Give it your all,
    Give it your best.


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    Standard of Truth

    The standard of truth has been erected. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble and calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly and independent, until it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country and sounded in every ear, until the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.
    - Joseph Smith Jr.

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    My Missionary Commission

    I am called of God. My authority is above that of the kings of the earth. By revelation I have been selected as a personnel representative of the lord Jesus Christ. He is my master and He has chosen me to represent Him. To stand in His place. To say and do what He himself would say and do if He personally were ministering to the very people to whom He has sent me. My voice is His voice, and my acts are His acts: my words are His words, and my doctrine is His doctrine. My commission is to do what He wants done. To say what He wants said. To be a living modern witness in word and deed of the divinity of His great and marvelous latter-day work. HOW GREAT IS MY CALLING!

    - Elder Bruce R. McConkie.

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    Descendant Missions

    The Church in Northern California has grown immensely since the Northern California Mission was created in 1942. The number of missions covering the original boundaries grow every year. You may have served in areas now covered by these descendant missions 
    Served Mission Name and it's descendants
    Before 1969
    California Central Mission.
    Renamed California Oakland Mission 1974
    California Fresno Mission (Created 1975)
    California San Jose Mission (Created 1978)
    California San Francisco Mission (Created 1997)
    Before 1974
    Nevada Las Vegas Mission
    Nevada Las Vegas West Mission (Created 1997)
    Before 1985 California Santa Rosa Mission
    Before 1993 California Roseville Mission

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    Last updated: Mar 24th, 2006