Comments: My wife suggested I mention that we had another kid BEFORE we send her away to college. :)
Emily and I were married on July 27, 2002. We have a son, Nathan, who's 4 years old and a daughter, Abbie, who is almost 2.
I'll be starting my fourth year of medical school in a couple of weeks. I'm stuck between Pediatrics and Child Psychiatry for what I want to do when I grow up. But hopefully this year will help me decide.
Since my wife is completely tech savvy, we have a online photo album of our kids, if you're interested. The link is up above. I'm totally not biased and I STILL think they're the cutest kids in the world. :)
Other Companions: Jordan Swanson, Zachery Saling, Joshua Wall, Cesar Baca, Ryan Scheffer, Trevor Cook, Scott Max Serr, and Clinton Gibbs.
Love you all! |