News Item: No more formal reunions
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Dear Elders and Sisters:
It is with sadness that I inform you that we will not be holding formal mission reunions any more. The number of people attending has dwindled greatly and our list of valid contacts has shrunk to a precious few. On the bright side, our reunions have lasted much longer than the reunions for the mission in which I served as a young man.
This announcement should not be misunderstood. We still love all of you and would love to see you at any time. We'd love to see you AND your children. Send us an email through this web site and we'll respond. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
It was a pleasure to serve with you in San Diego. You are a marvelous group of beloved brothers and sisters. We take great joy from learning of your accomplishments. We think of you every day and thank the Lord for the blessing of serving with you.
John & Margery Boyden
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