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Elder Boyd Kevin Ringel295 W. 280 N. providence, Utah 84332
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Presidents: Robert E. Sorenson (1997 - 2000) | John L. Blood (2000 - 2003) | Served: 1999 - 2001 | Areas Served: Bay A
Rahnert park B
Daly City A
SF singels
Foster City
SF singels
Palo Alto
Golden Gate B | Companions: Mason A Chenn | Colin Alexander Gibb (Stacey) | Robert Scott Goth | Chris Jo Howerton | Adam Dennis Phillips | Dustin Clark Rich | Brian George Stucki | Patrick Dale Whipple | Steven a Whitesell | Your Occupation: Assistant Product Manager | Spouse: Alison | Comments: Once again, time for an update for Alison and I. We are doing well here in Logan, I finally graduated after 6 years. After all those biology, chemistry, and physics classes I graduated with a degree in marketing, I did however come out of it all with a minor in chemistry. I guess I just couldn't get enough after 6 years so I have decided to go back and get an MBA still at Utah State University. I will begin in January and will continue working as the Assistant Product Manager over the Bioprocess containers for Thermo Fisher Scientific. I have been with them for almost 3 years and have been in this position for about 4 months. I enjoy doing what I am doing and hopefully I will be able to stay with the company when they get done paying for all of my school. Alison is working for a OB/GYN office as the assistant office manager as well as a laser tech. I am still the Elders quorum president in our ward but that might be changing as we are looking to buy a house and get out of our townhome. Well that is about it, if anyone ever comes to Logan and needs a place to stay give me a ring and hopefully we will be in town. |
Created: 24 Jul 2001 Modified: 30 Dec 2007 |
Last Login: 30 Dec 2007 09:25:00 PM |
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