News Item: Success Open House
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Last weeked on the 25th and 26th of April was a great history ever for the open house for the North District of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We had about 700 to 800 people (members and public) came to see the new building. Beside seeing the new building our guides took the guests around to see all the presentation from all an auxiliary organizations. Our guest can feel the spirit of love and peace in their hearts. The result of that we got a lot of referals from this ceremony. Our youth from each branch are excite to do their work this day to show the public of our belief. I could feel the spirit of unity in my district. All the branch presidents and their member have part in this open house. The building is so pretty and the spirit of the Lord strongly confirm the true of the Gospel. This is a great new of Phnom Penh North District.
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