Comments: Oh great, one of these comments boxes. I hate these things. Really, how are you supposed to say anything that amounts to anything in one of these? I could try to sum-up my life, whats happened to me in the time between now and the last time youve heard from me, but, when youre limited to 1024 characters, how fair is it to feel that I can sum-up whats happened in so few letters? But, if I cant do that then the time and money Ive spent on education has been in vain!
(Expletive deleted)
Alright, I just need to focus.
Deep breathes - Let's try again:
Hi, Im Matt Reed and Ive been knocking around between Phoenix (where Ive been attending school) and Provo (where Ive been living sans rent) for the last couple years, (Utah in the summer, Arizona in the winter its a beautiful arrangement, I suggest you all try it). I enjoy classic automobiles, Pepsi, and long walks on the beach. Im working on a degree in Journalism, which should allow me to finish this statement in fewer le |