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Elder Lonny Dean Steinagel Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Thomas J. Young (1988 - 1991) | Served: 1989 - 1991 | Areas Served: Calgary, Magrath, Creston, Londondary, St. Albert | Companions: Jeff Butler | Gary Wayne Cadd | Scot C Greetham | Your Occupation: Manufacturing Engineer | Spouse: Sherene | Comments: I sent home a Canada Calgary Returned Missionary marriage application form, my wife to be filled it out and sent it back, I came home dated a few months and we got married. My Wife’s name is Sherene, we have 2 boys, Garrett 17, and Daniel 16, both are in high school, we have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and assorted fish. I am currently the Sunday School President and the Stake Emergency Communications Specialist, that last one basically means that I have a ham radio and someone in the stake found out about it, and I try to get others to spend time and money on more ham radios. Actually I thoroughly enjoy it. |
Created: 23 Mar 2010 Modified: 28 Jun 2010 |
Last Login: 16 May 2014 10:31:19 AM |
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