This message is based on a talk given by Herny B. Eyring in the MTC-1997. He talks about rules and changes and the opportunity to obey mission rules & make changes in our lives as we enter the mission field. Through these changes we develop not only for the present, but for a lifetime. We develop a new habit of how we react to authority!
Rules are examples and evidence of authority. Not all the rules are in the white handbook! All mission presidents at sometime during the course of your missions give orders, or correction. They will tell you there is something for you that you must do, and you will then have a blessing. How will you react to that situation?
Brother Eyring reminds us of WHO we are, WHO we serve, what our Saviour has done for us through the atonement and the great price he paid. He says, "I don't know all of the reasons we have rules, I don't know all the reasons your mission president may ask hard things of you. It may be difficult for you to accept sometimes the way you will be treated. And you will say, "He doesn't care about me, he is too hard, he asks too much." I would simply ask you to think again of whom you serve and remember that you cannot do this work unless you are willing to do whatsoever the Lord would have you do."
Elder Eyring makes a promise that, "If you with full heart say to yourself, "I serve God, I serve Jesus Christ, I am His servant, His minister, I know I was called of Him, I know why I was called, I WILL HUMBLY OBEY....through your obedience ALL will know that you are true servants of Jesus Christ, the honest in heart will recognize you, as you are called to serve Him and to call His children to repentance."
But he gives us a warning too, "If you are rebellious in your heart, then even the honest in heart will have difficulty in believing that your are a servant of Jesus Christ. I further warn you that if you are rebellious in your heart, you will have opened up a way for Satan to tempt you."
If we can try with all our hearts to follow the rules, we are entitled to the Lord's protection and guidance and care. We will be able to remove ourselves from situations that the "rule book" doesn't even talk about and we will have the companionship of the Holy Ghost to give us direction, not only now, but throughout our lives.
President & Sister Roy
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