Stories: Elder
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We took a family vacation this summer to visit the Mission, and it was fantastic. It was amazing to go back and visit the areas that i served in. I was amazed that names and faces were still familiar and I remembered a lot of people. We drove from Ottawa Ontario, and went to Lunenburg and visited for a few days. We visited with the Jewer family(thanks for supper), Jim Drennan (who I taught, and that was just awesome) among others, and it was satisfying to realize i had a small impact on people. We went on to halifax, and Charlottetown, and were able to see some of the people that i really grew to love. The MacKechern family, the Cambells, Mackays, McKenna's (thanks for the wonderful dinner)
When we got to charlottetown, Michelle relized we didn't pack our childrens clothing, so thanks to Brother Drennan, we were able to get their clothes shipped to us. Next it was on to moncton, to see hopewell, magnetic hill, and such. What a treat. I can't wait to go back again. |
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