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Sister Amy Marie Williams (Leffler) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kenneth Young Knight (1998 - 1999) | Robert P. Haight (1999 - 2002) | Served: 1998 - 1999 | Areas Served: Chilliwack, Prince George, Kamloops | Companions: Daisy Ann Arseneault (Podeszwa) | Your Occupation: Scrapbook Consultant, Wedding Coordinator | Spouse: Ian | Comments: I absolutely LOVED my mission! BC is the greatest and the most beautiful mission to serve in. It was a time in my life that sparked the love for serving the Lord and fire is still burning strong! I was blessed to be companions with some of Heavenly Father's choicest daughters. That set a trend in my life as well, because I am married to one of His choicest sons. To those fantastic companions...I love you Slick, thank you for setting a wonderful first example...Sister Sarah, thanks for teaching me the ways of PG...Sister F.alots, don't forget to roll down your car windows and pump the bass on the Hillary Weeks tape! ...Ess, I have too much to say for the month we were together, but our song will always be "Somebody"... and last but definitely not least,a big thanks to Sister Daisy from Sister Flower,you never thought you would finish your mission where you started. Thanks for taking care of me. And a big hello to all those Elders who made it into my mission know who you are! |
Created: 13 Jan 2004 Modified: 02 Jun 2004 |
Last Login: 21 Jun 2004 09:46:25 AM |
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