Sister Vera Charmaigne Rosengren (Felsman)9700 Sw Tualtin Rd sp 23 Tualatin, Oregon 97062
Email Not Available
Presidents: Sterling D. Colton (1995 - 1998) |
Served: 1996 - 1996 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: Duncan |
Companions: Gloria Simon (Valdez) |
Your Occupation: Homeschooling mom |
Spouse: Mark Rosengren |
Comments: other compaions were timpson, graham. Hi Iam In oregon at the moment about to moveto Hawaii. My husband is about to finish medical school!!!Yeah. We have four kids tow boys tow girls. Plus a crazy mini poodle named princess. I homeschool our kids. three have autism spectrum disorder. Life has been a challenge. but it has been good. As long as I stay on the lord's side everything goes great. My youngest brother just left on a mission to Newmexico. gotta run. take care all. |
Created: 12 Dec 2007 Modified: 12 Dec 2007 |
Last Login: 07 Jun 2008 06:36:55 PM |