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Steven J. Scott

President Steven J. Scott

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Spouse: Carol
Served: 1977 - 1980
Associated Alumni
Steven J. Scott (1977-1980) I have been in contact with President Scott and he has given me the following information on himself and family.

I find it difficult at times to realize that we have been home for 17 years. When we arrived in Vancouver July 1977, three years seemed a very long time to be away from home, but we soon discovered that the time flew by and we are now planning a reunion 20 years later. We have had the opportunity to return to Vancouver many times since our release. It is still the most beautiful place on earth to us. Our daughter Christine has lived there for the last four years. She was seven years old when we arrived. Chris met Rod Remington at BYU. Rod lived in Vernon, B.C., and completed medical school this year at UBC. They have a one year old daughter. Our other daughter Stephanie was eleven when we arrived. She now lives in Fresno, CA and is married with 3 daughters and a son born just this year. Her husband Steve Fogg is an eye surgeon. Jeff, our eldest son, was 15 when we arrived and has since served his own mission to London, England. He is married living in SLC with one daughter. He is in the Real Estate business. Our youngest is Spencer. He was just two when we arrived and recently returned from a mission to Brazil. He attends BYU and will attend law school in a year or so.

Carol and I are having a very good life. Our children moved out and the dog really did die. I am serving as Bishop and Carol is in the Young Women Presidency. I still work for Zions Bank. Carol keeps very busy with our family real estate projects. The gospel continues to be our greatest blessing and we will forever be grateful for the time we spent serving with the finest missionaries in the Church in beautiful British Columbia.

I asked my son Jeff to establish a web page several weeks ago for the mission for the 77-80 era. That has not been accomplished yet but I do have a home e-mail.

I will be happy to communicate with you. We would love to learn more about you and your family and other information about the missionaries you are in contact with. President Keith M. Humprheys, First Counselor in the Mission Presidency to Pres. Preece and I passed away several years ago. President Sloan Alma Smith served as mission president in North Carolina and then as President of the London, England Missionary Training Center. He and his wife just celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary. They live in Pleasant Grove, Utah.

Best regards,

Steve and Carol Scott

Update - September 19th, 1998 - Our youngest son, Spencer, was married in August in the S.L. Temple to Catherine Weber. They met at BYU. She was originally from the East Coast. They both graduate from BYU this year and he will then attend law school. You may remember, Spence was 2 1/2 years old when we arrived in Vancouver.

Update October 1, 2006
Carol and I still reside in Holladay, Utah. Our children are all married.
Stephanie and Christine both live in California. Stephanie has 5 children,
Christine has 3 children. Jeff (5 children) lives in Bountiful, Utah and
Spencer (2 children) lives in Holladay, Utah.

I am presently serving as President of the Holladay North Stake and Carol
is an instuctor in the ward relief society.

We enjoy our growing and energetic grandchildren. I am employed at Zions
Bank as Senior Vice President of Community Development in the Office of the
President. Carol continues a busy life involved with grandchildren,
interior decorating, home improvement and consulting.

After returning home 26 years ago, we still enjoy contact with our
missionaries and members almost every week either by personal visits,
email, letters, phone calls, cards, etc. We are blessed every day because
of our service and association in beautiful British Columbia and the Canada
Vancouver Mission.
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