Stories: Trust in the Lord
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While serving in the Cape Verde Praia Mission in 2005, my companion and Iweren't having much success. I felt I hadn't accomplished much for theprevious six months. We weren't close to a convert baptism. I felthopeless. During interviews with President Romeo A. Piros, I was told toforget about that and put my trust in the Lord. He shared a scripture, Alma38:5, and I realized that I needed to stop focusing on my own weaknessesand to put my trust in the Lord — that He would guide us. Soon afterward we started finding more people willing to hear aboutthe restored gospel. One day we knocked on a door close to our home and meta man named Silvio. We taught him a very powerful lesson about theRestoration and, afterward, he agreed to make a commitment for another day. We continued teaching him; every lesson was an extremely spiritualexperience. But after teaching about the commandments, we noticed a changein his mood. He allowed us to visit and teach, but he was no longer willingto attend Church meetings. When we invited him to be baptized, he wasn'twilling to change his life-style. My companion and I were discouraged. We had done what our missionpresident had counseled. I had forgotten about myself and I was putting mytrust in the Lord. Why were we still not finding success? A short time later, we ran into Silvio in the street with a friend ofhis. He introduced us to Nilton and told us that he'd be interested intaking the missionary lessons. We began teaching Nilton. He had prayed toknow if the Book of Mormon was true and if Joseph Smith was a prophet. He had received an answer by the Spirit. One night we were reviewing the Plan of Salvation when I had thestrongest impression to invite him to be baptized. We hadn't planned toinvite him yet, but the impression was strong so, after testifying, Iinvited him to be baptized. He paused for a second, then looked at us and said he had alreadybeen baptized in another church. I asked if he truly believed deep in his heart that the Book ofMormon was true. He answered, "Yes." I said, "If the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith was a prophetcalled by God.... If Joseph Smith was a prophet, then this is the Church ofJesus Christ, the only Church with the fullness of the gospel." I asked him again if he was willing to be baptized, and he agreed. About the same time we taught Nilton, we began teaching his friend,Jair. Both Nilton and Jair were baptized in November 2005. Both are nowpreparing to serve missions. Through this experience I learned that God is always preparing Hispeople. As long as we put our trust in Him, He will lead us to those whoare ready to hear and accept the gospel. |
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