Comentarios: Courage, my son, and don't forget,
That God is with you in every step.
You take for Him in a righteous cause,
Such as teaching His sacred and holy laws.
There are souls out there waiting to hear
The message you carry of faith and prayer;
Of a God who dwells in the heavens above,
And rules the world with the spirit of love.
Forget all worries and earthly care,
And put your soul in the message you bear.
Discouragement is always the devil's tool
But show him quickly that you are no fool,
Get down on your knees in humble prayer;
God's encouraging Spirit will meet you there.
There are souls out there in the mist and fog
Who are waiting for you and your message from God;
For He has love for each child that He owns,
And wants them back in His heavenly homes.
Be not discouraged, no matter how hard the way.
But deliver the message God wants you to say.