A return to old and sacred values is the key to "ensure happiness in family life."
The very simplicity of some gospel truths sometimes leads families to ignore them in times of challenge. "At times we have the tendency to think that the more serious the problem, the bigger and more complex the solution should be." That can lead to seeking help from people or institutions outside the home, when in reality the most effective solutions "will come by applying the glorious principles of the gospel in our homes in the small actions and duties of everyday life."
Such principles include faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities.
The majority are related to and complement each other. The power that makes it possible for them to be incorporated into individual lives comes from the Atonement of the Savior.
Once applied, the principles act as light to illuminate each family member in a progressive way, leading to strengthened family relationships. Successful application will heal frictions, foster forgiveness, increase love and reduce pride and selfishness.
"Now, more than ever, when we see that the family is at the center of attacks from the forces of evil . . . it is necessary for parents to incorporate these principles into our lives in order to radiate their influence and for this influence to be perceived by our children."