Elder David Scott Thomson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: José García (1999 - 2002) |
Served: 1999 - 2001 |
Language(s) spoken:Spanish |
Areas Served: Los Muermos, Osorno, Chiloe (Castro), Puerto Montt, Puerto Aysen, Coyhaique, Valdivia |
Companions: Ryan C Farnworth | Alan Patricio Sebastian Jorquera Pastén | Trent Porter | Nelson Valencia (Violencia) |
Your Occupation: Electrical Engineer |
Spouse: Raquel Thomson |
Comments: Well, in the past 3 months I've graduated college, got married, started a "real" job, and bought a house in Mesa, AZ. I feel so blessed! I loved the mission and miss playing "baby". If you know me, drop me a note to say hi. |
Created: 11 Jun 2006 Modified: 20 Jun 2006 |
Last Login: 03 Aug 2006 10:43:21 AM |