Stories: Elder
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I served with Elder Clarence Villanueva for 2 months in the (then) Tupahue ward in Rancagua. Elder Villanueva was serving as my companion on a mini-mission, on assignment from Pres. Zwick. (He was not a full-time missionary. His mother worked in the mission home with the Zwicks. Note his given name, Clarence; he was named for the missionary who taught his family the discussions back in the 1970s. Also, his uncle is Chilean church historian Rodlofo Acevedo).
Anyway, our zone included the Siempre Unidos poblacion in Rancagua and one day while on cambios Clarence met the Schultz-Caro family. Later that day he told me of how he felt they were a golden family. However, each time we returned to their home, they hid out of sight and would not answer the door. After at least 8 or 10 visits with the same result, I was ready to move on to other things. But Clarence insisted that we continue to return, which I reluctantly agreed to do. I had no hope that anything would be different, but one day we found the father, Luis Schultz outside and he invited us in for the first discussion. The Spirit was strong and they readily accepted all the principles we taught. I don't remember a more prepared family during my whole mission. They truly were golden and I was grateful to Clarence for not giving up on them. They soon were baptized, husband, wife and their two wonderful daughters. After their baptism we were having dinner at their house, when a knock came on the door. It was Luis' sister from Argentina who was coming to visit the Santiago temple (she was already a member of the church). What a surprise it was for her that her brother and his family had just been baptized. The two of them had not been in contact and she had no idea he was even taking the discussions!
At about the same time, Luis' neighbors the familia Rosas (Carlos y Teresa) were baptized. I attribute the conversion of both of these families to the faith of Clarence and the kind hand of our Heavenly Father. In fact, Carlos and Teresa named their first born son Evan Clarence Rosas, continuing the tradtion of naming children for missionaries. I wonder how this boy likes his name now! |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."