Elder Stanley Sylvanus Postma Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert Burton (1966 - 1969) |
Served: 1967 - 1969 |
Language(s) spoken:Spanish |
Areas Served: Providenica Branch
San Felipe Branch
Ovalle Branch
Talca Branch
San Bernardo Branch
Valparaiso Branch
Ovalle Branch |
Companions: John H. Burgon | Herschel Lowell Hafen | Gary L. Holland | Gordon Ivor Irving | William Darrell Lewis | Philip E Mcclanahan | Blaine S. Nay | Karl W. Turley |
Your Occupation: Engineer/Manager |
Spouse: Tori Postma |
Comments: Tori and I have four children. Our three sons each filled missions to Holland, Spain and Argentina. We got a chance to return to Chile in 2006 (Winter there) to pick up our youngest son in Argentina then visit to Chile. We had a great time and I was amazed at how good Chile looked after all those years. What had been small little towns like San Felipe were bustling cities.
I am currently the music chairman and choir director in our ward and have served in most opostions in ward and stake assignments. I served as a bishop. bishop councilor and stake high councilor among others. Tori is a master teacher and musician and is well known in the Sweet Adeline (Lady barbershop) world..
All of our children are now married and we have nine grandchildren.
I plan to retire at the end of 2013. |
Created: 09 Dec 2006 Modified: 24 Feb 2013 |
Last Login: 05 Apr 2013 05:31:20 PM |