Elder Royce Cheney Dewey Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert Burton (1966 - 1969) |
Served: 1967 - 1969 |
Language(s) spoken:Spanish |
Areas Served: Talca, Valpariso, Republica II, Quilpue, Calama |
Companions: Paul Edward Anderson | Ryan Poole | Greg Porter |
Your Occupation: Retired (Currently own and operate 2 UPS Stores in Provo) |
Spouse: Sherry |
Comments: My oldest son also served in Chile. For Christmas this last year our wives surprised us with a 10 day trip to Chile. We toured the south, climbed volcanos, explored caves, hiked the mountains, rode zip-lines, picked up hitchhikers in our rentacar and basically did things that missionaries don't have the time money or permission to do. We also went to two different wards, met with people we knew and loved from our missions, blessed the sacrament and spoke in church, helped set apart a new priest and just generally had a great time. I still love Chile. |
Created: 27 Jan 2009 Modified: 27 Jan 2009 |
Last Login: 27 Jan 2009 09:14:48 PM |