News Item: 2016 Chilean Mission Reunion
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Dear alumni and friends of the Chilean Mission,
This year’s event is in one week, on Friday, April 1, 2016 at the Lehi Utah North Stake Center. Please refer to our email of March 15, 2016 or you can visit for details. If you are planning to attend and have not already sent your RSVP by return email together with the names of those attending with you, please do so by Monday, March 28, 2016. This will allow us to plan for adequate seating and to prepare a name badge in advance for you and your guests. We thank you if you have already responded; there is no need to respond a second time.
The mission reunion is an excellent opportunity to share your personal mission souvenirs. This can include pictures, picture albums, journals, mission publications, letters, books, clothing items and other reminisces from your mission in Chile. If you have had the opportunity to make subsequent trips or serve another mission in the country, please feel free to share these souvenirs also.
Please let us know by return email if you plan to exhibit items so that we can have adequate space for your display. In the past few years this part of our annual activity has had less and less prominence and we believe that this is a valuable part of reconnecting with the country, its people and culture.
Finally, we also take advantage of this opportunity to ask that if you are using an email address that is associated with your employment, that you provide us with a personal email address. The reason we make this request is that more and more of our alumni and friends are retiring every year. Frequently, as you retire, your work email address is cancelled. This requires a significant amount of follow up on the part of the reunion committee. In addition, if you have moved or changed your main telephone number, please advise us by return email of your new information.
We thank you for your support and cooperation.
The Chilean Mission Reunion Committee, 1956 to 1975
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