Comments: I served in Hong Kong from October 1992 to November 1994. My wife, Jenette Jin-Yun Huang is originally from Fung Shan, Taiwain, near Kaohsiung. We have a daughter, Chloe (9), and a son, Caedrick (2 and 1/2).
We lived in Orlando, Florida, from 2001 to 2007, then lived in Pleasant Grove, UT, for a while. As of July 2008, we relocated to Taiwan. After 11 stressful years of working as an I.T. peon, I'm loving life teaching English full time and learning Mandarin. It's wonderful here.
The Gospel is more alive and meaningful in my life today than it has ever been. I am so thankful for everything I am blessed with, especially my wonderful wife and children. The mission experience, and a plethora of trials since, have been invaluable in helping to smooth my rough edges and beat some humility into me. How I love my Savior more and more each day!