Your Occupation: RN, medical review specialist Select Health
Spouse: none
Comments: I have been with Intermountian Health Care for 25 years. I started working in ICU's at LDS Hospital when I moved here after my mission in 1981. I recieved an on the job injury from one of my patients in 1985 which ended my hospital career. I have since been working in the Health Insurance division called Select Health now as the only nurse reviewer for the company in claims disputes from provicers such as MD, RPT's etc. In 1985 I bought a house in SLC. In 1991 I flew to Philadelphia, PA and adopted my "Phliadelphia Freedom" girl, Jasmin when she was just 4 days old. She is African-American and 15 now and just the delight of my life. If I was not so old and poor I would now go to China and adopt one of those cute Chinese babies as a sister for Jasmin. One of my co-workers left on 1/30/07 for Bejing to help her cousin do just that and I am very jealous though she is buying me a callendar from Swindon's if you all remember those wonderful things you could get there! I have spent most of my Church life since my mission playing piano for various organizations and just got released as compassionate service person after three years but am now back playing piano for R.S. Hope to remember the next reunion and see you all there!