Comments: Donald Ray Hinton was born in Hurricane, Utah, third son of Lavar and Leora Hinton. He has 6 brothers and one sister.
Ada Lu Fuller was born in Hurricane, Utah daughter of Luther and Rosalba Gubler Fuller of LaVerkin, Utah. Ada was the third daughter of Luther and Rosalba and she had three brothers. Additionally, she had an older half sister and brother from Luther's first marriage. Luther's first wife died when these two were teenagers and then Luther married Rosalba, Ada's mother.
President and Sister Hinton became acquainted in High School and Ada wrote to Don on his mission. On June 7, 1969, President and Sister Hinton were married in the St. George Temple. They have six children, 3 girls and 3 boys. The two oldest girls served missions in England and the Philippines. The two oldest sons are currently serving missions, one in Korea and the other in the Philippines. Two have accompanied them to Hong Kong--Tiffani, an 11 year old, and Dustin, a 17-year-old.
As a young man, President Hinton was called to the Southern Far East Mission for two and a half years, but served in Hong Kong for only 14 ½ months before being transferred to the Alaskan/Canadian Mission to open Chinese work there.
Sister Hinton's church service includes: Relief Society president and counselor, Primary president and counselor, Young Women's Counselor, Family History Consultant, Librarian, and a host of music and teaching assignments.
President Hinton's church service includes: counselor in a Bishopric, high council (3 times), executive secretary, Stake Sunday School Counselor and president, Varsity Scout coach twice, Asst. Scoutmaster, Blazer Leader, High Priest Group Leader and Asst., Bishop, and was called as Stake President by Elder Neal A. Maxwell Jan. 23, 1988. He was released in 1997 and served as a scout master for 3 years before being called as Mission President in the China Hong Kong Mission by President Faust in December, 1999.
Both President and Sister Hinton graduated from Hurricane High School, and attended Dixie College in St. George, Utah. Both graduated with a Bachelors' from Brigham Young University (BYU) in May, 1971, Don in Speech and Drama and Ada in Elementary Education. President Hinton went on to obtain a Masters' Degree in his same field from BYU in 1973. He received a Ph.D. in Interpersonal Communications and Oral Interpretation from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois in May, 1989.
The career Don chose was teaching speech communication. He has taught at Dixie College since 1977. At the time of his call, he served as chairman of the College's Fine Arts Department
Both President and Sister Hinton love to be with people and consider their family as their greatest accomplishment.