Stories: heritage of faith
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In my single's ward in Provo, a high couselor (I don't remember his name) shared a story of his neigbor. I asked for a copy and here is the story:
"We need not be, or be descended from, early pioneers to be blessed by a heritage of faith. One of our neighbors, Lai Su Kyun, whose married Christian name is Isabella Ng, tells of being the blessed recipient of a heritage of faith. Sister Ng's father was born to a very well-to-do family in China. Following the Communist revolution, he fled to Hong Kong, where he sought freedom from persecution and a better life. In 1955 he and her mother were married. Her mohter was active at that time in the Anglican Church, but her father was not interested in religion. As their family grew her mother took their four children to church while her father stayed at home. One day in 1963 two energetic young missionaries from America visited her father in his textile factory. They came there frequently to see him but nothing came of it.
1973 was a bad year for the economy in Hong Kong and it affected her family as well. Sister Ng's father's business went bankrupt. Shortly thereafter other missionaries came by again, and this time they listened to the missionary discussions. In a dream a revered ancestor appeared to her father and admonished him to join the church. All of the family became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
After some time, her father borrowed enough money in order to open a clothing store. Her parents didn't wish to work on Sunday, but they believed that it was necessary for themselves. So every other week her father or mother went to church with the children while the other worked. But they still were unable to pay their bills.
Her grandfather prayed and received the answer that they should close their business on Sunday. They didn't know whether they could make it or not, but they had great faith. After this time her father met two friends who wished to establish an oil distribution firm. Together the three of them founded the firm, which enjoyed great financial success over the years. The church always came first for them and her father never needed to concern himself financially again. He became a leader in the church and was made stake patriarch.
Isabel Ng's family has created a heritage of faith. Through good times and bad they have remained faithful to and active in the church. Generations yet unborn will be the beneficiaries of this heritage of faith. Isabel Ng and her husband, Dennis, who is also from Hong Kong, have three children, one who is currently serving a mission in North Germany, one who is attending this university (BYU), and one who is a very energetic five-year old." |
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