
Johnson, Tom Added 12/5/97

Serverd from 1969 to 1970 In the Colombo-Venezalano Mission I served in Cali, Bogota, Ibaque, In 1970 and was transfered to Caracas, Venezuela at the time that the Mission was split to the Colombia Mission and the Venezuela Mission. And I served in Caracas and In San Cristobal Venezuela. 

Partridge, Scott R. Added 4/15/2002

I was called to the Colombia/Venezuela Mission in Feb. 1970 under Pres. Stephen Brower. I first served in Venezuela in Valencia, Barquisimeto, & Caracas Rama 3. Then in December of 1970 was transfered to Cali, Colombia. I worked in Rama 3 in Santa Elena and my companion was Elder Dallen Clark of Boise, Idaho. The Mission was then divided and Pres. Wm. Calvert was called to preside over the Colombian Mission. I was then transfered to Rama 4 on Avenida Roosevelt where I worked with Elder John Hall of Provo, Lester Titus of SLC, Domingo Carballo of Uruguay, and Rafael de la Cruz of Lima, Peru as District Leader. While there, I served first as Executive Secretary and District Secretary to The District President then as 2nd counselor in the District Presidency under President Wilmore. While in the district presidency, it was my privilege to have the assignment to make all the arrangements with the local government for the 1st chapel in Cali to be built. Construction didn't start until after I returned home. I understand that that was the first chapel built in Colombia.

After 11 months in Cali, I was transfered to Cucuta where I served as District Leader & Branch President where I finished my mission. While in Cucuta, I organized a singing group of 5 Elders called "Los Cinco Mormones." We sang on Radio Todelar, and two other national radio chains and on a American Bandstand type of TV program. When we left the mission, we were the only group to have been invited back to sing on that TV program. We sang both popular and religious music. The members were: Scott Partridge, John Hall, Mark Stubbs, Gary Wilden, and Ray Hunt.

My business e-mail is drpartridge@azmomdocs.com. My home address is Scott R. Partridge 922 N. Loma Vista Mesa, Arizona 85213-5425

Smith, Clay Added 1/23/98

I was called to the Colombia-Venezuela Mission and served from November 1969 to November 1971.  I served in Manizales and Bogota, Colombia.  I was in Caracas at the time the mission was divided and finished my mission in Venezuela.  I now have a son serving in the Colombia Bogota North Mission and that has been a real thrill. My companions in Colombia were Elders LaSuer, Hickenlooper, and Goodman. I would live to hear from anyone from my era.

Stewart, William K. Added 3/30/98

314 N. 900 E. Orem, Utah 84097 Tel. (801) 226-0369 Favorite City - CALI

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