
Cooper, Brian C. Added 4/7/97 

My mission was from October 1973-75, and I served in the Colombia Cali mission when it was first split off from the Colombia-Bogota mission in 1975. I finished my mission in Cali, but before the split I also served in Armenia, Pereira, Bogota, and Medellin. I live in Orem, Utah with my wife and seven kids -- actually, one of those is now in Japan on his own mission! Would love to hear from old companions. 

Haycock, D. Jack Added 3/16/98

6034 Turquoise Drive Rocklin CA 95677 (916) 632-2626 (Home) (916) 646-5500 (Work) Served in Pereira, Pasto, Cali (twice) & Bogota Was first Mission Secretary in 1975 to Pres. Jensen

Kramer, Ron Added 6/18/99

Served in Colombia from August 1974 to June 1976. Was with President and Sister Richards in the Colombia Bogota mission for exactly one year and then on my "hump"day was called into the mission office in preparation for the brand new Cali mission. I served at first as the Historian (two months) and then for seven months as the Financial Secretary. When I was released from the office I went with Elder Garaycoa to open up Popayan. I would like to make a special plea to any old missionary companions and aquaintenances to contact me. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 22 years now and we have three children. The oldest is married and about to make us grandparents; the middle son just received his mission call to the South Dakota Rapid City mission which covers a big geographical area in the north central states; and the youngest who just turned 17 is a junior in high school who we hope to get moved on into his senior year next fall. As I am currently serving on the Stake High Council, I had opportunity to hear a return missionary speak about his experiences in the Colombia Bogota mission. It was interesting to hear of the growth in these past 25 years. God bless you all.

Mellor, Robert L.  Added 9/11/97 

I served from Jan '74 to Jan '76. I was in Cali when the mission split and spent the rest of my mission there. I had previously served in Medellin, Bogata Kennedy, downtown Bogota, and then Manizales. I live in Layton, Utah with my wife and four children.

Poole, Denny  Added 4/6/98

I served my mission from Oct. 1973-1975. I served in the cities of Cali, Bogota, Medellin, and Armenia. When the mission was split I served in the Cali Mission. I live in Vancouver, Wa. with my wife and 3 daughters, Lindsay, Denise and Megan.

Powell, Guy Added 12/8/97

I served in Colombia from June '74 to May '76.  I was in the new Cali mission under President Jensen when it was first formed.  I was 6+ months in Manizales and I also served in Buga, Palmyra and Cali. I now teach Bilingual Education in Newhall, California.  My wife and I have 5 children.  E-mail me if you can fill me in on what has happened in Manizales. 

Warner, Keith W. Added 3/10/98

505 Fillmore, American Falls, Idaho. I was called to the Colombia, Bogota Mission and entered the Mission Home on August 18, 1973. When the Mission was split in July of 1975 I was put in the Colombia, Cali mission to finish out my remaining month. 

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