91-93 Servi basicamente en cuatro areas Cerrito, Cali. Tulua y Pasto con 7 companeros ( Buitrago, Diaz, Boren, Blad, Viator, Franckowiak & Taylor) Hace un poco mas de un año me gradue en BYU de Agronomia con un emfasis en Administracion de Empresas. Ahora estoy trabajando en Ecuador. Todavia soltero pero no por mucho tiempo, me voy a casar en 19 de Diciembre 1998 con Melanie Whelan, en el templo de Logan, despues de la boda, estaremos viviendo en Quito por algun tiempo.
I live in Ogden, Utah. I served in our mission between January 1992 until January 1994. Cities served in: Cali, Manizales, Armenia, Palmira
Also under my listing if you can add that we had our second child in February 2002 and now have a son named Adam Levi.I served from June 1991-June 1993 in the following areas: Manizales (Chipre, Bosque), Dosquebradas, Cali (Jardin, Oficina) and Buga. I married Angela Lord on June 17, 1998 in the SLC Temple and we just had our first child on June 28, 2000. Her name is Hannah Nicole Blad and she is wonderful. I graduated from the University of Nebraska with my M.D. in May 2000. I started my residency in Family Practice July 2000 and will be here for the next 3 years. If anyone wants to get a hold of me for advice on surviving medical school or anything else, my number is 402-345-8591. I would love to hear from any of my former associates.
Mailing address: PO Box 20042 Mesa, AZ 85277-0042 Served: April 1, 1992 to 1994 Areas: Zarzal, Roldanillo, Armenia, Palmira, Bello, Cali
I served from September 1991 thru September 1993 in Pasto, Cali, Medellin, Tulua, Sevilla. Home (480)827-9357.
I served from April 1992-1994. I served in Armenia, Cali, Pasto, Buga, Medellin, Cali again, and Manizales. I joined the Army not too long after I got home. I met my wife, Jennifer Jensen, while I was in San Antonio, TX during my army school. I was trained as a nurse and did that for a few years before changing careers. Now I'm working in Information Management. I live in Wichita, KS with my family. I have 2 girls and a boy. I'm going to school at Wichita State University and recently changed my major from Biochem to Management Information Systems. It was a bit of a jump, but I'm enjoying it a lot more. I am currently teaching primary in the ward that I'm in.
My name is Lafe Carroll, I am from Mesa, Arizona, I served in the Cali mission from July 1992 to August 1994. Companions: Luis Morales, Mark Boyce, Luis Carvajal, Angel Cardenas, Justin Jenkins, Oscar Avendano, Nibaldo Fuentes, Jimmy Reyes, Paul Pacheco, Alexander Delgado, Gabriel Romero, and Edinson Caipo. Places: Jamundi; Armenia (El Bosque); Palmira (Americas); Cali (Colon, Entrerios, office); Ipiales; Manizales (Chipre). I served under Pres. Chumbita, and Pres. Ferreira. I married LeAnn Starr in December of '94 and we are expecting our third child anyday now. Our oldest is Erin (3 1/2) and then Ethan (1 1/2). (The doctors say this third one is a girl - we'll see.) I am in my first year of Medical School at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. We are in the Nauvoo Stake so stop by if you are visiting the sites.
92-84 Companions: memory getting old and too lazy to get my journal out :) I recognize from the list Gabbitas, Hoopes (x2), Savoie (x2), and plent more I know.
Phone: 044-224275 / Cel. 044-652029 Cities served: Cali, Pasto, Ipiales, Cartago, Tulua,. Medellin
1991 a 1993 areas. cali, palmira,pereira , medellin, chinchina,choco,sevilla,mi nombre es john cortes . companeros. elder tood mathew SANTIAGO, elder gabbitas, elder clinton muller, elder villatoro, otros vivo en bogota colombia. Estoy muy interesado para comunicarme con mis excompaneros.
Servio desde Agosto del 92 hasta Agosto del 94. mi correo es mailto:. Mi direccion actual es Ignacio Carrera Pinto 6013 block 23 dep 41. Estuve en Medellin, Roldanillo, Popayan, Pasto, Cali y Palmira. algunos de mis compaqeros fueron Elder Foster, Ball, Savoy, Gonzalez y otros. Estoy casado, con mellizas y muy contento con mi vida. Me gustarma mucho contactarme con mis amigos en el servicio del Senor
Servi en la mision Cali Colombia en el periodo de septiembre de 1992 a septiembre de 1994 en Medellin (Itagui), Cali (san Fernando), Buga (la ventura), Manizales (Villa Maria), Palmira (Bizerta), Armenia (Tres Esquinas),Tulua (Principe), Pereira (El lago), Cali ( Entre Rios..La Oficina), y finalmente Pasto (Chile) Actualmente estoy felizmente casado con Adriana Torres desde el 29 de Diciembre de 1995 y tenemos dos hijas. Vivimos en Oklahoma City y mi direccion electronica es alexisaac@hotmail.com
Misionero en 1991 1993 Estuve en: Ipiales, Cali, Popayan, Armenia, Cerrito, Medellin Mis compañeros: Carlos Camacho(mi papa en la mision), Gomez, Mesa, Martinez, De La Hoz, Alomia Derek, comentarios: No estoy haciendo nada, Quien me da trabajo?
I served from Oct 91-Oct 93. I served under Pres. Chumbita (Chumbs) and Pres. Ferreira. I served in Cali, Buga, Palmira, Perreira, Mission Christmas Tour, Ipiales, back to Cali. My address is 794W 500N Provo Ut. 84601. My email address is emialb@ix.netcom.com My Provo phone # is (801) 377-2096 but if you call, make sure it es a La Hora Gaviria. For the summer of 97 I'm in Albuquerque NM managing for Eclipse Marketing so if you call me during the summer call (505) 899-9599. If you want to stop by and visit, come on by and we'll have some arepa (ave maria, pues).
I served from July 11, 1991 to June 26, 1993. She served from June 28, 1991 to 23 January, 1993. We both had excellent companions and served all over the western portion of Colombia. I served in Ipiales, Jamundi, Pereira(Cuba), Cali(2nd Almonds), and Pereira(2nd Lake). She served in Pasto(Mariluz), Popayan, Cali(Versailles), and Dos Quebradas, Pereira. I am currently working in the entertainment industry, as well as my wife. You may have seen us already, my screen name is not the same. It is Kevin Costner. My wife's name is Salma Hayek. We were married in the San Diego temple January 28, 1995 and we don't have any children yet because they are too much work. If you are interested in hearing from us, we are interested in hearing from you, even ten-fold. Our address is 2851 Bedford Ln. #174, Chino Hills, Ca. 91709. Our phone number is 909-628-1439. www.lajas-moon.com
1991-1993 11892 S. Preamble Rd., Draper Utah VP marketing & product development digithink.net 801.222.0748 ext. 141
I served from 1991-1993. My mailing address is 910 E 1960 N Lehi, UT 84043. I served in Jamundi, Cali, Cartago, Pasto and ARmenia. My phone number is 801-768-2488.
Served from 1992-94 in Cali (Americas III,Teron Colorado,Almendros), Pasto (Mariluz, Palermo) Buga and Ipliales. I am an accounting major at BYU. Drop me a line if you get a chance!
Served from 1991-93 and spent time in Cali - Almendros and the mission office, Pasto Bachue, Tulua, Manizales, and Medellin. I married my wife, Camden,
in 1996 and we now have two children, ages 2 and 8 months. I worked in finance for EDS for five years and lived in Brazil, London, and then Dallas, TX. In
August 2001, I left EDS and am currently getting my MBA degree full-time at Cornell in Ithaca, New York.
I served with Pt. Chumbita & Ferreira from January 23, 1992 to January 15, 1994. I began my mission in El Lago I, Pereira, the I was transferred to Envigado (Medellin, right after Pablo Escobar left prison), El Bosque (Armenia), Jamundi - Valle (near from Cali), Chile (Pasto), El Lago II (Pereira), Tamasagra (Pasto), Buga and finally got trunky in San Fernando (Cali). I'll be studying English at ELC in Provo from January 2, 1997 to April 20, 1997, so I hope there will be a meeting sometime! Adrian Esteban Madrid Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I served in the Cali, Columbia mission from 1992-1994. My mailing address is 814 British Blvd. Grand Prairie, Texas 75050. My home phone number is 972-264-4001. I served in Pasto, Papayan, Buga, and Cali. My companions were Elder Connely, Elder Marco Antonio Rodriguez, Elder Filatch, Elder Trent Nolan, Elder Ryan Smith, Elder Julian Monete, and Elder Romero. Another number that I can be contacted at is at work 972-840-8750 (x- 4342).
I served from Oct 1991- Sept 1993. I served in Popayan, Cali, Tulua, Manizales, and Calarca. I miss Colombia a lot and feel that deep down inside I have a little Colombian blood in me. I graduated in May 1999. I married Brittany Halladay on Sept. 20, 1996 and love the married life. I was glad to see some familiar names and to hear about what is going on in everyone's lives. Drop me a message and keep in touch.I am working at Sorenson Medical as a Mechanical Engineer.
I served in the Cali Colombia mission during July 91- July 93. Some of my comps were, Elders..... Bordon, Hoopes, Perez, Mueller, Daley, Viator, Peterson, Ayala, and Simmons. I met and married the girl of my dreams in 1994 we now have 3 kids 2 boys and 1 girl. I am a conductor for the Union Pacific Railroad and we live in Wyoming of all places! Contact me I would love to hear from you. My mailing address is 2133 East C. Torrington, WY 82240 phne# 307-532-5997.
I served in Cali Colombia Mission in 4/92-4/94. My home address: 1731 N. Nashville Chicago, IL 60707 (773)836-8286 I served in Palmira, Jamundi, X-mas Tour, Ipiales, Envigado, Armenia, Roldanillo, and Chinchina respectively. My companions: Romero, Gomez, Long, Carroll, Madrid, Pantano, Richter, Nicho, ... I married Sandra Lopez in the Chicago Temple 8/16/97 and I would like to get in touch with the guys that know me.
I served from 91 to 93 Pereira, Calarca', Cali, Armenia, Popayan, Pasto Companions Elders Taylor, Blad, Petersen, Mcmullin,Pinedo,Chong, Saavedra, Elders Calle, Landin, Builes, Toro, and last but not least Adrian Madrid.
I served between Sep/92 and Sep/94. I served under Presidents Chumbita and Ferreira. I got married 9 months ago and have a baby (Yes, it was immediate. Fulfilling the plan!!!). I serve as the missionary leader (with some other functions) in the Roma Ward, Kennedy Stake, Bogota. My phone numbers: (91)782 4218 and (91)776 5502.
Paz, Ben A. Added 4/7/97
Buenos días, Elderes y Hermanas Cuando regresé de Colombia me casé con mi novia Julie, y ahora ocho años más tarde tenemos cuatro niños (dos varones y dos nenas). Vivimos en Springville, Utah y me encantaría escuchar de ustedes nuevamente. E. Julio César Cifuentes y yo nos mantenemos en contacto frecuentemente, y ultimamente recibí la gran satisfacción de escuchar de mi querido amigo E. Gabriel Bravo, después de años de querer encontrarlo. Serví en B. Jardín y Almendros en Cali, Andalucía, Cartago y Pasto. Mis compañeros fueron E. Cifuentes, E. Bravo, E. Gabbitas, E. McMullin, E. Connolly, E. Ortiz E. Pinzón y E. Rodriguez. Pte. Chumbita tiene email, escríbanme si lo desean. Colombia vive en un lugar tierno de mi corazón, y no pierdo las esperanzas de algún día volver para mostrar a mi esposa lo bello de esa tierra. Un abrazo, (E.) Ben Paz
I served from January 1992-December 1993, serving in such places as Medellin, Pereira, Buga, Cali, and Ipiales. I married Elizabeth Mudrow and we are expecting our first baby, a boy, in January 2000. Currently we live in at 1161 W 5100 S , Riverdale, UT 84405. Phone 801.622.8681 I am a controller for a mechanical engineering firm in Salt Lake.
I served in '91 - '92 Address: 4133 E. 240 N., Rigby, ID 83442 Served in Armenia, Pereira, Manizales(twice), Pasto, Cali, and Buga! Also a part of the Traveling Christmas Concert that hit every city in the mission in 1991! Medellin to Ipiales one city at a time! Still miss the work, the country, and the people!
Serví en la misión Cali-Colombia en el periodo de 1992-1994 las areas donde serví fueron Cali,Pereira, Sevilla y Medellín. Mis presidentes fueron Julio Chumbita y Jaime Ferreira, ahora estoy en vínculo eterno desde hace 16 meses y nos acompaña un bebe desde hace 6 meses. Estoy en septimo semestre de administración de Empresas Y vivo en mi ciudad natal Santafé de Bogotá, donde soy primer consejero del Obispo en le barrio Casablanca, kennedy Colombia. Espero que tengamos comunicación muy fecuentemente, mi direccion es Avenida Boyacá N. 6-30 sur Bogotá Colombia y mi número tel es el 914517654-912619264.
I served in the Cali mission from April 1991-93. My areas and companions include: ARMENIA (Elder Leon), BUGA (Elder Carpio, Elder Franckowiak), POPAYAN (Elder Judd, Elder DaSilva), CALI (Elder Alomia), PASTO (Elder Phillips), LA GIRA NAVIDENA (Elder Daley), and finally IPIALES (Elder Sanabria, Elder Santiago). I loved the mission and want someday to return to Colombia. I graduated from Arizona State in 1997 with a Spanish degree and am currently in dental school at Oregon Health Sciences University. I'll be here in Portland until 2002 so favor de email o llamarme; my phone number is (503) 977-7998. My wife, Melissa, and I have one son, Scott Tyler, who is just about 6 months old and my biggest distraction from school. We manage an apartment complex here (wife = rent / accounting, me = maintanence / eviction enforcement - jk). I'll most likely be working summer at a public health dental clinic for minimum wage (a case of PonyMalta would almost make it worth my while). Drop me a line!
Years Served: 1991-1993 Cities: Chinchina, Medellin, Cali, Cerrito, Armenia, Istmina Since I came back I got married in June 1994 in the Guatemala Temple. I have two children, My daugher is 3 and my son is 1 year old. I am the First Coulselor of Young Men in the Kennedy Stake. I would love to find Elder Ellis Boren from Arizona.
I served my mission between Feb/92 and Feb/94. I have a deep remembrance of my companions and all those who were with me in the mission. Currently I live in Bogota. I belong to the Kennedy Stake, Casablanca Ward. I serve as the Stake Mission President. I work as Commercial Advisor in an Insurance Company. I haven't gotten married yet, but I have a deep desire to do it. I would like to have communication with all of you and know more about you. My address is Calle 46 #89B-12sur, Britalia, Bogota, Colombia. My telephone number is (91)452 2261
Living in Boston, MA I served from 1991-1993 under President Julio Chumbita
I served from December of 1991 until November 1993. My areas included Sevilla, Cartago, Cali, Calarca, Popayan, Pasto and Medellin. I am currently working for Shell as a member of the eBusiness group here in Houston. Ashley and I have four children, two boys and two girls. Our web site includes some pictures of the kids, etc. http://home.houston.rr.com/thesavoies
Served June 92 to March 94 (alt e-mail sotoadrian@hotmail.com) Mailing address: 4104 E Broadaway #1132 Mesa AZ 85206 I had the priveledge to serve with fine missionaries and serve a much beloved people. Arrived in cali 2 june 92 and had Elder Failach, Ayala, Muellar,Hubbard.Then I was oficially transfered to Popayan 12 June 92, Companion Elder Sosa de Uraguay, I replaced Elder Twichell. Other set of Elders were Elder Manriquez de Chile, his compi Elder Fernandez ( Mi Tocayo : ) de Argentina La Plata. Hermanas Gutierrez, Hermana Romero, (Colombianas Especiales.) Elder sosa was replaced by Elder Faddis (Idaho) Los Jaramillos, Silvas etc...special families (If any one reads this from popayan tell them they are still in my prayers (wish I had their address.)Zone confereces in cali & pasto Of blessed experieces I have to mention the Gira through December. Remember ? The 4th wise man, El Cuarto Rey Mago Los assistentes Elder Prado/ Artebano & Elder Viera / El Conductor Of course I have to mention Elder Bingham who tickled the Ivories .3 Dec Pasto, 5th Dec Recuerdo, 8 Dec Palmira, 9 Dec Buga(old opera house). 10 Dec Tulua, 12 Dec Armenia(Granada), 15 Dec Pereira (Alpes), 17 Dec Manizales(Bosque), 18 Dec Armenia (Prado) 22 Dec Cali (Colon) 23 Dec Cali (Americas) Christmas with the book of Mormon with a bow on it. What A Gift Thanks to Pres Chumbita, the missionaries,the families who gave us food and shelter, and of course Thanks to Father. The dinner was chicken cordon bleu Elder Vergada and it was superb !! AND WHO CAN FORGET THE TALENT SHOW !!! I never laughed so much . What a great way to start the new year ! Thank you all !!! Started 93 with Elder Garces de Baranquilla in Guacari. Elder Rice & Zapata & Pico What a crew ! What a place !Then transfered to Manizales, Boy It was tough to say goodbye. Elder Conolly was there,then Elder Cuellar de Bogota , Elder Torres de Cucuta. Las Hermanas Barrera & (Mi Hija) La Hermana Martinez (please update info) Transfers took me to Dos Quebradas (next to Pereira)Elder Lara. Elder Medina would be my last real companion(besides the HG) What a way to end the mission(with39 flash charlas ) ! Well we all know that the lord answers prayers and He answered mine and it was to finish in Cali, where I started since we missed our flight me & Elder Brown had the priveledge to serve just one more evening . It was just perfect . The choice people I had come in contact with on my mission I will always be grateful for their love and dedication & example. for those I have mentioned and those I have not mentioned I probably could write a short book. If you feel the real need to communicate I would be Delighted !!! Here I am. Personal Info : Will have a web site soon to those who contact me with pictures & of course Musica.
I served in 1992-93 in CALI, ARMENIA, PERERIA, GUACARIE. Home address: 1375 DOUGLAS ST. CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 El OSITO is back.
April 92 to June 94
1991-1993. presidente chumbita.actualmente vivo en bucaramanga tengo 3 hijos varones y sirvo en la presidencia de estaca.
me gustaria tener contacto con mis compaqeros y demas personas de la mision le agradeceria publicar mi correo elctronico para que me contacten.
Hola! Como estas? Servi mi mission en 91-92 en Pereira, Medellin,Calarca y Tulua; mi nombre esLuz Marina Marcelo Torres, ahora Luz Marina Geiser.Mis copaneras fueron LInda Medina, Fabiola Romero,Carmenza Carranza, Hna Anzola, Mabel Luna. Me case con michael geiser. Lo conoci en mi ciudad, Tunja. Tenemos 2 anos de casados y una nina. Su nombre es Jessica Rebeca Geiser. El E-mail de mi esposo es mjg@msu.oscs.montana.edu. Mi direccion es 926 6th St NW;Great Falls, MT, 59404. Mi hermana tambien servio un mission en Cali. Servio en 89-91. Servio en Pereira, Medellin, Palmira, y Cali.
Antes que todo me alegra haber encontrado este sitio de la Mejor Mision del Mundo, ya que había estado desconectado de mis compañeros por más de 8 años. Serví durante los años de 1991-1993 durante el período del Presidente Chumbita. Estuve gozosamente sirviendo en las ciudades de Popayán, Pereira, Medellin, Tuluá, Pasto, Cali, Manizales y Choco. En la actualidad vivo en Estados Unidos, me casé hace 5 años y tengo una hijita de 4 años. Mi dirección es 210 Palmer Ln. Seguin,Tx. 78155, Escribanme para recordar esos tiempos tan especiales. Hasta pronto.
I served in the Cali, Colombia mission from April 1992-1994. I served in Tulua, Armenia, Buga, Pasto, Cali, and Popayan. I married Lindsey Richardson in January, 1998. No children yet but we have a cool cat! We live in Ogden, Ut. I served with some great missionaries! Please keep in touch. Email at Linch52@aol.com, Home address: 440 W 5350 S Washington Terrace, UT 84405.
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