
Abegglen, Jason Added 9/17/99

Hey Colombianos! It's good to see everybody on here, I guess it's my turn. I am currently living in South Jordan, UT and attending school at the BYU Salt Lake Center and will be attending full time at BYU in the spring of 2000. I work as a laser printer technician for Printelligent and I was married on May 16, 1998 to Trisha Nelson of Bluffdale, UT. I would love to return to Colombia someday, for some strange reason I have been craving those bland smashed platanos and Pony Maltas. I served in seven areas including Cali, Armenia, Sevilla, Ipiales, Popayan, Dos Quebradas, and Buga. I would love to get together with some of you in the neighborhood sometime, keep in touch. Que Dios los bendiga! 

Bell, Dan Added 7/16/98

I am currently living in Fort Worth Texas and attending the University of Texas at Arlington.  I will graduate in August 2001, with a degree in Information Systems.   I was blessed with a healthy boy, born on Dec. 20, 2000.  I was married to Tonia Ellestad in  the Dallas Texas Temple on May 29, 1999.  I am now serving as Sunday School President.  Life could not be any better.

Berrett, Bryan Added 11/12/98

Served 96-97 in Armenia, Popayan, Manizales, Pasto, Cali, Medellin and Bello. I go to the Uof U. 

Bierman, John Added 1/18/99

I've been home now for a little over a year. I was originally supposed to go to Brazil for my mission, but due to visa problems, I got reassigned to the Colombia Cali mission. I started in Popayan, then served in Cali (twice), later in Medellin, and finished in Pereira. My companions were Elder Bryan Berrett, Elder Evans, Elder Esplin (mi papa), Elder Luke, Elder Velez, Elder 'Orteguita', Elder Varas, Elder Venturi, Elder Posada, Elder Cano, Elder Hendrix, and Elder Van Orden. I'm here with Ben Pitt. El les manda saludos a todos! His eMail address (FYI) is Benjaminjpitt@juno.com Drop me a line....I'd love to hear from y'all! HASTA VER!!!!!!!! 

Bone, Sterling A. Added 2/12/2003

Served 95-97 Address 1309 East Connell Ave, Stillwater, OK 74075 Phone: 405-372-0410 

Bradshaw, Eric Added 3/30/98

I served in the Mision, Colombia Cali from September 95 to October 97. I live in Roy Utah and I miss the mission. I served in Pereira(Dos quebradas), Medellin (twice), Cali and Palmira. I can't remember how many companions I've had. This web site has made me actually really happy to see so many ex-Cali missionaries who cherish their mission so much. I know I do. My address is 4294s. 4500w. Hooper Ut. 84315.

Calixto, Milady Added 4/4/2000

Servi en la mision Cali Colombia entre los años 1995 y 1996 , ahora soy casada con un hijo de 2 años, vivo en Colombia, en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, tengo mi mamá y hermanas viviendo en Provo, Utah. Mi esposo es Miguel Manzano de Palmira Valle, Colombia El tambien fue misionero y sirvio en la mision Barranquilla entre los años 1991-1993 Serví en las ciudades de Cartago Valle, Popayan, Cali y Medellin.Mis compañeras fueron, hermanas Bustamante, Quimbayo, Silva, Martinez, Montaña, Madera, Gallegos. Todas Colombianas a excepción de la hermana Gallegos que e Chilena. En Bucaramanga mi telefono es (76) 500889 Y mi apartado aereo es 40240 La direccion de mi casa es Condominio Campestre Montearroyo casa 23 Floridablanca. Muchas gracias

Dickson, Jared Added 10/22/98

My name is Jared Dickson everyone calls me J.R..My home address is 25022 Wandering Lane, Lake Forest, CA 92630. I served from July of 95 to July of 97. While serving I stayed in Pereira 5 months, Manizales 3 months, Pasto 5 months, Cali 2 months, and Cartago 6 months. My e-mail address for right now is alanan@flash.net . I will update this info when it changes. I am currently doing a course to become a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE). I loved the whole mission experience. La Mision Colombia Cali is truly the best mission out there. I look forward to hear from all those who served at the same time as I did.

Escobedo, Juan G. Added 2/6/99

I served in La Mision Colombia Cali September of 95 through October of 97. I served in the areas of Medellin, Pereira, Popayan and Cali. My companions were Elder Zoppetti, Elder Tolosa, Elder Cordoba, Elder Jaimes, Elder Ortiz, Elder Dahl, Elder Bradshaw, Elder Silva, Elder Sancan, Elder Mendez, Elder Ruiz, Elder Abba, Elder Bierman, Elder LeRoy in that order. I spent most of my time in the city of Medellin but enjoyed every city I was in. my mailing address is 813 s. Stubbs Ave. Provo, UT. 84601. I would love to hear from my old companions. I have been happily married for a little over a year now and have a little boy who was born on December 23, 1998. His name is Nickolas Avery Escoedo. All I can say is that there is nothing like the Mision Colombia Cali.

Esplin, Carson Added 5/4/99

I served from 8/3/95 to 7/18/97. Nothing much going on here. Still single and hangin tight. I'm almost done with my engineering degree here at USU. (I think the Fresno Dogs beat us too... and BYU...YIKES) I finally put the 30 lbs. back on that the worms took from me. I look at pictures now and I wonder what Elder Thompson was talking about when he said that I had 'guns'. Man, I miss the days of the mission and I'm so thankful that I could serve with all of you. I have so many good memories. Saludos to all of the comps out there. I don't dare try my memory without the journals for fear of leaving someone out. My mind is going with age here. (You'd think that I was married.) My address is 777E 1000N #T1 Logan, UT 84321. Email: slfn1@cc.usu.edu I'd love to hear from all of you if you get the time to drop a line. My phone (435) 787-6177. Jared Allred is also up here. His phone is 755-0613.

Fuentes, Carlos Added 4/11/2001

Qué tal, soy el Elder Carlos Fuentes de Ecuador, El Presidente Ferreira y el Presidente Nuñez fueron mis Presidentes de Misión, tuve el privilegio de servir como Misionero de Regla en las ciudades de Popayán, Medellín, Pasto, Pereira, Cali, Palmira. Mis compañeros de Misión fueron : E. Price, E. Pintado, E. Martinez, E. Reyes, E. Hironaka, E. Silva, E. Buitrago, E. Utrera, E. Jimenez, E. Mc Murtrey,E. White, E. Merchán, E. J. Vélez, todos ellos maravillosos compañeros, misioneros y amigos. Mis mejores recuerdos de E. Abarca de Chile, Hna. Gallegos de Chile, Hna. Calixto de Colombia, Hna. Martinez de Cúcuta, E. Morales (Moralito), E. Sosa de Uruguay, si alguno sabe de ellos o si uds. (los mencionados) leen esto contáctense. Me sellé en el Templo de Lima-Perú con mi esposa Maritza, tenemos un niño y viene uno más en camino, estudio en la UTPL de Ecuador Administración y Supervisión Educativas, trabajo en el Sistema Educativo de la Iglesia (SEI o CES) y soy Presidente de Rama en mi ciudad. Yo estoy agradecido por servir en la Misión, ello ha influenciado tanto en mi vida y sé que el Señor nos bendecirá a todos los que servimos allá en Colombia toda nuestra vida Por favor busco al Elder Ryan Mc Murtrey y a Elder José Vélez si ud. los conoce o si uds. están leyendo esto, por favor envíenme un mail. Mis mejores deseos para todos.

Gallegos, Maximiliano Added 2/20/2001

Servi entre los años sept.1995 - Agos.1997 Juantos a los dos presidentes Ferreira y Nuñez. Estoy soltero (no me atrapan todavia) Buscando Novia...... Servi en las siguientes ciudades Ipiales - Medellin - Cerrito Valle - Pasto - Cali - Jamondi ESCRIBANME LOS QUE ME CONOCIERON MI DIRECCION ES : Gagarin 7883, Villa Valentina Cerrillos, Santiago- Chile. SubAmerica kawashka@hotmail.com

Gambarte, Celina E. Added 10/15/99

Serví desde el 23 de Agosto de 1996 hasta el 23 de Marzo de 1998, en la misión Cali, Colombia. Comencé en Calarcá con la Hna. Silva, después Pereyra con la Hna. Torres, Medellín, Cabañas con la Hna. Romero, Palmira con la Hna. Obando y Hna. Gallegos, Cali con la Hna. Rodríguez, Copallán con la Hna. Díaz, y por último en Armenia, Brasilia con la Hna. Torres y Hna. Bobadilla. Queridísimas gentes, es realmente placentero haber podido encontrar esta página y que ustedes, 'la chusma', lo puedan leer. Estoy agradecida a Dios por haber servido en la gran misión Cali, Colombia, y de haber podido disfrutar de muchas bendiciones y del jugo de papaya. Que Dios los bendiga a todos. God bless you everyone and my husband too. Vivo en Sarratea 7598 de Rodeo de la Cruz, C.P. 5525, Guaymallén, Mendoza, Argentina. Mi número de teléfono es +54+0261+491-1463.

Goez Cano, Wesly Added 5/15/2002


Hernàndez, Justino Murcia Added 6/6/2003

1996-1997 EN LAS CIUDADES MANIZALES, CALI ARMENIA, POPAYAN, CALARCA. Quisiera encontrarme de nuevo con mis compañeros

Hurst, Nathan Added 5/16/99

I served in the Colombia Cali Mision from November 95 to November of 97. I served in Pereira, Sevilla, Cali, and Popayan. My companions were Elders: Andrade,Mckay,Lawrence,Caldwell,Pavone,Rodriguez,Topham,Mehr,Bone, Abarca, Norton, Mansilla, Stark, Davies,Duddley, Rojas, Perdomo, McMurtrey,Parker,and Young! My home address is 559 Wymount Terrace Provo, UT 84604 Home Phone is (801)371-2906

Jaros, Christopher Matthew Added 2/18/99

I served from Jan '94 - Jan '96 and served in Cali, Pasto, Armenia, Pereira and Manizales. When I returned home I began attending school at Kennesaw State University in Georgia. I also got to witness the fabulous courtship and marriage of Jason Henderson and his wife Paige. I am currently attending Brigham Young University-Hawaii majoring in Information Systems with minors in Psychology, Political Science, Theater and Physical Education. I will graduate in Dec. 2001 and then I will be entering into the Air Force as an officer. I have been engaged twice. Got left in the dust on both, but I am proud to say that I did exactly as Hermana Ferriera said and did not go back to Colombia looking ; ) I see Zach Chase all the time so if you are wondering about him drop me a line and I will put you in contact with the boy. Please take some time and write me a short note and let me know how you are doing.

Luke, Mark Added 9/22/97 

I served in 95-97. I served in Pereira, Cali, Popayan, and Pasto. I've been home for 3 weeks, and I'm studying Engineering at Ricks College. I'm from Shelley, Idaho. I have one brother who is in the Peru Trujillo mission, and one sister who is attending high school. I'm not married yet, and I don't have a girlfriend either, but I'm going to date a lot. I don't have Internet, so I don't have a return address.

Mansilla, Rodrigo Fernando Added 4/10/2003

Servi en la Mision Colombia Cali durante los años 96 - 98 con los presidentes Ferreira y Nuñez. Mi email es 
Soy de la ciudad de Bahia Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, en la Republica de Argentina.
My domicilio es: Alberti 754 CP 8000 B. Blanca

McKay, Scott Added 8/25/2002

Served in Cali, Pasto, Pereira

McManus, Mike Added 1/18/99

I got married 1/2/99 to Kibby. We now live in Tuscon, Arizona. I worked fot he Dept of Justice as a border patrol officer. Our address is 1970 W VALENCIA #435 TUCSON AZ 85746. Phone: 520-806-1718. 

McMurtrey, Joseph Ryan  Added 8/25/2002

2421 N 400 E #T-3 North Ogden, UT 84414 (801)737-9642 Years Served: 1995-1997
Areas: Cuba, Pereira; DosQuebradas, Pereira; Villa Maria, Manizales; Recuerdo, Popayan; Pasto Married in Sept. 2000 - my wife's name is Karin and she served also in 1995-1997 in the Rio de Janeiro, Brasil mission. We have a one year old daughter named Molly.

Mecham, Bart mecham@xmission.com (home) Added 12/15/97

Years served:  Oct 95-Nov 97 Address: 5721 Wilderland Lane   Kearns, UT  84118   U.S.A. Cities: Companions: Time: MTC Joseph Miller 2 months Cali Mathew Lusk 1 month Mark Luke 3 months Pasto Michael McManus 1 week Scott Sloan 3.5 months Jared Dickson 3 months Jeremy Evans 2.5 months Popayan Jason Abegglen 3 weeks Fabian (local) 3 weeks Gabriel Rojas 2.5 months Pereira (Cuba) Nicolas Del Sero 1.5 months Dinamarca 1 month Cerrito, Valle Jose Arias 2 weeks Palmira Eric Bradshaw 2.5 months David Presley 1 month. Maybe we can form a big travel group to go back to Colombia for the dedication of the temple next year and also make a tour of the mision to visit old friends and converts.  If that sounds like a good idea, let me know. 

Mehr, Donald S. Added 5/22/98

I served in the Colombia Cali Mission from June 1995 to June of 1997. I am currently a student (junior) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison majoring in Molecular Biology (pre - med). My permanent home address is: P.O. Box 36 Conover, WI 54519 and my e-mail is: mehr@students.wisc.edu. I looked up some old mission friends on the BYU webpage and here they are for your info with e-mail address: Scott Sloan - ses26@e-mail.byu.edu, Richard Dahl - rrd8@e-mail.byu.edu, Robert Grindstaff - rlg24@e-mail.byu.edu, Jeremy Evans - jse3@e-mail.byu.edu, Chris Presley - dcp22@e-mail.byu.edu, Jason Whetstone - jtw8@e-mail.byu.edu, and Scott McKay - sdm9@e-mail.byu.edu ---------I hope to add to this list. what a great idea. If you know of others’ addresses, please send them in so we can all keep in touch through the years. Type me when you can. If ever in the Madtown area give me a call and I’ll get you tickets to the UW hockey games! Go Dodgers! Congrats to Matt Lusk (My trainer) on the baby (IT’S COMING IN JUNE!) 

Miller, Joseph Added 7/27/99

¿Cómo están todos? ¡¡Aqui llegó el que faltaba!! I served in the Colombia Cali Mission from Oct 95 to Oct 97 with Presidente Ferreira and Presidente Nuñez. My MTC companion was Bart Mecham and my infield companions were: Scott Mckay(twice), Carlos Rueda, Scott Topham, Sterling Bone(buueeno), Jason Whetstone(ice ice baby), Todd Davies(primer hijo), Elkin Fuentes, Travis Simkins(steak, lobster, y Amistades), Jorge Arias, David Norton, Nestor Notaro, Donald Mehr, Vincent Pavone, Simon Rideout(segundo hijo), and last but not least Koki Cline(tercer hijo). I served (in order) in Pasto, Cerrito, Palmira, Pereira, Cali, Ipiales, Tuluá, and Zarzal/Roldanillo. I was married to return missionary Hermana Lilia Ramos in the San Diego Temple on June 13, 1998 and we now live in California. We both have many fond memories of the Mission and our friends there. I hope all is well.

Morales, Darwin Added 10/15/99 

Misionero en 1996-1998 con el presidente Nuñez. Vivo en la ciudad de Ibague Departamento del Tolima Pais Colombia, comence la mision en Cali luego Pasto, Medellin, Palmira,Jamundi,Cartago,Armenia y termine en Buga. Me gustaria contactarme con mi primer compañero en la mision pero no lo encuentro se llama Cristofer Convey

Musick, Spencer Added 1/12/99

I served in la misión Colombia Cali from September of 1995 to October of 1997. I served in Santander, Pereira; Floralia, Cali; Occidente, Popayán; Lago II, Pereira; all of Tuluá (Elder Tippetts and I re-opened this city after about 5 years of not having missionaries. I was there to watch the area grow from one to four areas.); Ipiales II, Ipiales; and Chipre & Bosque, Manizales. If you want to get ahold of me or talk about one of the areas I was in, please e-mail me. I live in Provo, probably soon to move to Springville. I'm currently attending UVSC working on my Bachelors in Computer Science.

Pérez Ballesteros, Juan Carlos Added 8/27/99 

Serví desde Oct-1996 a Oct-1998. Compañeros: Esplin, Caldwell, Mancilla (Corroncho), Davies, Cohen, Satter, Parker, Dinamarca, Romero, Utrera, Díaz, Parra, Aranda, Gustafson, Arias, Parker (again), Luengas, Andersen, Bishop; Comencé en Jamundí (Valle), luego: Buga (Valle), Dosquebradas (Risaralda), El Cerrito (Valle), Cuba (Ris), Villa María (Caldas), Pasto"Miraflores"(Nariño), Sevilla, Cali (Versalles). Un saludo especial para mi papá "Presidente Núñez y familia" y si pueden deicrme dónde comunicarme con él:...Thanks. Extraño mucho "todo" de la misión y nunca olvido lo que me enseñó el Señor en ese tiempo que se convirtió en una eternidad en mí memoria y para tantas personas que conocí y tuve la oprtunidad de ayudar. !Que grandes líderes tenemos y podemos llegar a ser gracias a su ejemplo! Con mucho amor responderé, escríbanme jcperez44@hotmail.com Nunca nos relevemos espiritualmente por favor, and... "If you feel your life ain't working, keep on dreamin' boys 'cause when you stop dreamin' it's time to die". 

Puentes, Adriana Silva Added 6/6/2003

Servi en la mision cali colombia en los años 1996-1997 en las cuidades de cali, manizales, armenia, popayan y calarca. 

Presley, Christian Added 9/26/2001

I served from November 1995 to November 1997. I began under Pte. Ferreira in Pereira with E. Bart Freeman and then E. Donald Mehr. I was transferred to Popayan and served with E. Jorge Navarro, E. Sancan(my first-born), E. Bryan Berrett and E. Mendez (my second son). I then served in Manizales with E. Sterling <bueno> Bone and then E. Matt Thompson. Tulua with E. Jaimes and then Palmira with E. Matt Lawrence. I then got bounced around to the office with a busted foot and served with a bunch of goons, (E. Mehr, E. Hurst, etc.) before heading back out to Cali with E. Parra and before returning to the office to work with E. Matt Dudley, E. Gabriel Rojas, E. Lopez, E. Romero and E. Abarca. E. Ben Boyer, E. Nic Del Sero and E.Ortega came in there somewhere and it was a great time. I finished in Palmira with E. Bart Mecham and E. Arias. I love Colombia and the mission itself, you guys are incredible!

Ramos, Lily Added 6/2/99

I served in Colombia Cali from  March 95 to Sep 96. My first mission pres. was Jaime Ferreira and then I finished with Alexander Nunez. My companions were: Diana Navas (Armenia), Elizabeth Cantor and Gloria Galvis (Manizales), Fanny Velez and Msnica Montaqa; my first daughter (Medellin), Jenny Amaya and Maria Erazo; my second daughter (Cartago), Nancy Zuluaga, Adriana Silva (local) and (la loquita( Hna Chavez; my last daughter (Cali). I was married to Joe Miller. We have a daughter named Natalie Ann. Our add is 2493 Mc Gregor  Dr Rancho Cordova, Ca 95670 Ph: (916) 631-7143 We would love to see you guys again!!! 

Stark, Jared Added 6/1/98

I served in the Cali Mission from 1995-1997. My first mission president was Jaime Ferreira, and I finished with Alexander Núñez (who is currently the president) I served in Popayán, Pereira, Ipiales, Palmira, Cali, Secretary to Pres. Núñez (While I was the secretary we moved the office from La Torre de Cali, to barrio Santa Rita, just down the street from the presidents apartment), Pasto, and I finished in Medellin. And I opened Rio Negro during my last month. We held the first official Sacrament Meeting there, and I believe they have since formed a branch there. I was pretty excited. Some of my companions were: Steve Atkinson, Alfonso Plazas, Eric Bradshaw, Rodolfo Merchán, Jason Abbeglen, Matt Thompson, Sterling Bone, Wilmer Buitrago, José Perdomo, Rodrigo Mansilla, Travis Simkins, Juan Aranda, Ben Pitt, Rodrigo Mansilla (again), Jorge Arias, and Wilmer Pedraza. My home address is: 2955 N. 400 W. Apt. 2176 Layton, Utah 84041 (801) 779-2956

Thompson, Matt Added 1/30/99

I was in the Colombia Cali mission from August of 95 to July of 97. I just wanted to say Hi to all the past and present mission gurues!!!!!!!!!!! Stark, I love ya Bro. My address is 2306 E. Sierra Clovis, CA 93611 (559)297-0544 In basketball my FSU Bulldogs just beat the little pussycats of BYU. GO DOGS!!!! 

Whetstone, Jason Added 8/19/98

I served from May, 1995-June, 1997. I served in Cali, Popayan, Medellin, Pereira, and Manizales. My companions include Steve Farrer, Stephen Atkinson, Jose Lozano, Travis Caldwell, Walter Ibanez, Jairo Morales, Jake Steele, Richard Dahl, Joe Miller, Carson Esplin, Mike McManus, Joseph McMurtry, and Jose Sannar. Miscellaneous info: Play electric guitar, really want to contact Jake Steele.

White, Dan Added 12/18/2001

I served in the Colombia Cali Mission through 1995 and 1996. The areas that I served in are Cali, Armenia, Popayan, Pereira and Medellin. I am currently going to school at the University of Utah. I also work at the U of U in the athletic dept. I was married in july of 2000 to Jamie Clement. She is from Rancho Santo Margarita in Orange County California. We both plan on graduating this spring in business. We currently live in Bountiful Utah. Hope to hear from everybody soon.

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