Elder Morris James Peacock Información de contacto escondida - Entrada
Mandar Mensaje
Presidentes: Lynn Mickelsen (1984 - 1987) |
Sirvió: 1984 - 1986 |
Áreas: Medellin, Pasto, Pereira, Cali |
Compañeros: Francisco Javier Gómez | Matthew Neeley | Steven W Smith |
Trabajo: Certified Public Accountant |
Esposo(a): Mary Jo |
Comentarios: My other companions not registered on this web site include Wixberto Pena, Lopez, Neely, Gutierrez, Benjamin Peterson and Jeff Lee. It would be great to be able to communicate with them also. My wife and I reside in St. George, Utah. We have twin fifteen year old daughters. I was recently called to serve as the 2nd Counselor in the Stake Presidency of the Dixie College 2nd Stake. I really enjoy working with the young people and have served there two previous times. My great wife is the Ward Young Women's President. I would enjoy hearing from any of you that I had the pleasure to serve with. |
Creado: 27 Jul 2004 Modificado: 27 Jul 2004 |
Última entrada: 16 Nov 2004 03:59:47 PM |