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Elder Emmanuel R Fardella Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Myron W. Horne (1996 - 1999) | Darwin L. Thomas (1999 - 2002) | Served: 1998 - 2000 | Language(s) spoken:English | Areas Served: Fruita,Grand Junction, Louisville, Arvada, Ft. Collins, Loveland, Cheyenne | Companions: Matthew Carroll | Your Occupation: Police Officer | Spouse: Kerry Fardella | Comments: My wife Kerry and I married in 2002 and she moved from Cheyenne to New Hampshire. We currently have two children, Jacob 5 and Kaylin 2. We are enjoying our kids, but they keep us on our toes and stressed at times too, but they are fun to have.
After being in NH for a while, a change is coming!
Since I last wrote, the Pats lost the Super Bowl which was upseting and heartbraking for us New Englanders, but the Celtics are the NBA's best this year and now the Sox are back to defend their title! I have been in a testing/hiring process since December and as of last Monday, I was officially hired to be a Police Officer with the Cheyenne, WY Police Department. This is exciting for us because this will be a new beginning for our family. I've lived my whole life in New Hampshire and I will miss is tremendously, but I am excited for my new job and new opportunities to serve in my new Ward. NH will be a place I come back to visit so I can see my own family and friends, and it will always be a special place to me. This opportunity also allows my wife to be close to her parents too. It has been one of the most difficult decisions in my life (other then deciding to serve my mission) but the answers came clear in the Temple of what I needed to do for my family and my job, which strengthened my testimony that the Lord knows us and speaks to us personally if we allow him to do so, and that the Temple is a special place to receive answers to our prayers.
We are hoping to get to the SLC area at somepoint and make it to a Conference session and hopefully make connections with some old mission friends. If you are in Cheyenne, look us up and come visit! |
Created: 21 Oct 2006 Modified: 03 Apr 2008 |
Last Login: 03 Apr 2008 04:08:06 PM |
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