News Item: Taylor H. Beatty
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I was going through the site here looking up how my "old" friends are doing and couldn't help but notice that there is someone missing. Taylor H. Beatty.
I know that Taylor passed away a few years ago, but he was a huge part of my life in my mission and one of my favorite companions. I admit I had some fun at his expense sometimes, but like the true saint that he was he turned the other cheek and laughed it off with me.(the laugh might have come the next day, but it was always there.)
I have talked with Grusendorf before and he and I think it would be a good idea to put a little something up on here for Taylor so we can remember him. I am willing to put it together, but I would like some input from those of you who were his companions and served around him. I know there are lots of stories floating around out there about the loving, soft spoken, red-headed, compulsive neat freak companion that some of us haven't heard yet. If you have pictures or stories please email them to me at
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