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Elder Chad Joseph Murdock Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Phillip J Bryson (1993 - 1996) | Edwin B Morrell (1996 - 1998) | Served: 1996 - 1998 | Language(s) spoken:Czech, | Areas Served: Brno, Praha, Hradec, Liberec | Companions: Daniel James Bergantz | Steve Danielson | Colter J Manning | Your Occupation: Dentist | Spouse: Adri | Comments: Nazdar Panove,
So it's the night before October General Conference 2006, and my wife asked me if there was a Czech mission reunion tonight. I was not certain, but I am glad that I searched for it on the web and found this webpage.
What a flood of wonderful memories came rushing back to my mind as I read familiar names and read old companions' bio's. There also returned to my mind some of the unpleasant moments that are inherent with mission calls, but altogether I felt the overpowering joy of having served a mission with some tremendous men.
For those of you who remember these are my choicest memories:
Dinner at Pani Karkulova's in Brno w/ Bouck
Being physically thrown out of a building after a long day of tracting.
Pan Stadler (the captain of a freight liner).
Daniel Zdenek in Hradec Kralove
Peter Ruda in Liberec.
The Cowboy Western Fair w/ Goldhardt
Train stations/rides, Vylets to castles, bicycles around town, running to catch the tram, hacky sack in the subway, tracting, Monopoly games on P-day, English lessons, the apartments, the flood and of course the people I had a chance to tell about Jesus Christ, regardless of their acceptance.
I love all of you who helped create those memories.
May God bless you where ever you are!
Chad Murdock |
Created: 29 Sep 2006 Modified: 02 Dec 2006 |
Last Login: 02 Dec 2006 10:48:18 AM |
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